tallózása szerző szerint "BME/VBK/Alkalmazott Biotechnológia és Élelmiszertudományi Tanszék"

A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • Nagy G,; Szarka, András; Lotz, Gábor; Dóczi, Judit; Wunderlich, Lívius; Kiss, András; Jemnitz, Katalin; Veres, Zsuzsa; Bánhegyi, Gábor; Schaff, Zsuzsa; Sümegi, Balázs; Mandl, József (2010)
    It has been recently shown that acute acetaminophen toxicity results in endoplasmic reticulum redox stress and an increase in cells with apoptotic phenotype in liver. Since activation of effector caspases was absent, the ...
  • Alessandra Gamberucci; Paola Marcolongo; Németh E. Csilla; Nicoletta Zoppi; Szarka András; Nicola Chiarelli; Hegedűs Tamás; Marco Ritelli; Giulia Carini; Andy Willaert; Bert L. Callewaert; Paul J. Coucke; Angiolo Benedetti; Margittai Éva; Rosella Fulceri; Bánhegyi Gábor; Marina Colombi (2017)
    GLUT10 belongs to a family of transporters that catalyze the uptake of sugars/polyols by facilitated diffusion. Loss-of-function mutations in the SLC2A10 gene encoding GLUT10 are responsible for arterial tortuosity syndrome ...
  • Klionsky DJ; Abdelmohsen K; Abe A; Abedin MJ; Abeliovich H; Bánhegyi Gábor; Billes Viktor András; Fésüs László; Juhász Gábor; Kapuy Orsolya; Kovács Attila Lajos; Kovács Tibor; Lekli István; Lőrincz Péter; Margittai Éva; Megyeri Klára; Nagy Péter; Orosz László; Petrovski Goran; Sass Miklós; Szatmári Zsuzsanna; Vellainé Takács Krisztina; Takáts Szabolcs; Vellai Tibor; Vértessy Beáta (Grolmuszné) (2016)
  • Butykai, Ádám; Orbánová, Agnesa; Kocsis, Vilmos; Szaller, Dávid; Bordács, Sándor; Tátrainé Szekeres, Erzsébet; Kiss, László; Bóta, Attila; Vértessy, Beáta (Grolmuszné); Zelles, Tivadar; Kézsmárki, István (2013)
    The need to develop new methods for the high-sensitivity diagnosis of malaria has initiated a global activity in medical and interdisciplinary sciences. Most of the diverse variety of emerging techniques are based ...
  • Szarka, András; Bánhegyi, Gábor; Sümegi, Balázs (2014)
  • Bánhegyi, Gábor; Benedetti A; Margittai, Éva; Marcolongo P; Fulceri R; Németh, Csilla Emese; Szarka, András (2014)
    Beyond its general role as antioxidant, specific functions of ascorbate are compartmentalized within the eukaryotic cell. The list of organelle-specific functions of ascorbate has been recently expanded with the epigenetic ...
  • Szarka, András; Bánhegyi, Gábor; Asard H (2013)
    Abstract Significance: Ascorbate, this multifaceted small molecular weight carbohydrate derivative, plays important roles in a range of cellular processes in plant cells, from the regulation of cell cycle, through cell ...