tallózása szerző szerint "Bailey S"

A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • van Zanten SE; Baugh J; Chaney B; De Jongh D; Aliaga ES; Barkhof F; Noltes J; De Wolf R; Van Dijk J; Cannarozzo A; Damen-Korbijn CM; Lieverst JA; Colditz N; Hoffmann M; Warmuth-Metz M; Bison B; Jones DT; Sturm D; Gielen GH; Jones C; Hulleman E; Calmon R; Castel D; Varlet P; Giraud G; Slavc I; Van Gool S; Jacobs S; Jadrijevic-Cvrlje F; Sumerauer D; Nysom K; Pentikainen V; Kivivuori SM; Leblond P; Entz-Werle N; von Bueren AO; Kattamis A; Hargrave DR; Hauser P; Garami, Miklós; Thorarinsdottir HK; Pears J; Gandola L; Rutkauskiene G; Janssens GO; Torsvik IK; Perek-Polnik M; Gil-da-Costa MJ; Zheludkova O; Shats L; Deak L; Kitanovski L; Cruz O; La Madrid AM; Holm S; Gerber N; Kebudi R; Grundy R; Lopez-Aguilar E; Zapata-Tarres M; Emmerik J; Hayden T; Bailey S; Biassoni V; Massimino M; Grill J; Vandertop WP; Kaspers GJ; Fouladi M; Kramm CM; van Vuurden DG; members of the SIOPE DIPG Network (2017)
    Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a rare and deadly childhood malignancy. After 40 years of mostly single-center, often non-randomized trials with variable patient inclusions, there has been no improvement in ...
  • Schwalbe EC; Williamson D; Lindsey JC; Hamilton D; Ryan SL; Megahed H; Garami, Miklós; Hauser, Péter; Dembowska-Baginska B; Perek D; Northcott PA; Taylor MD; Taylor RE; Ellison DW; Bailey S; Clifford SC (2013)
    Molecular subclassification is rapidly informing the clinical management of medulloblastoma. However, the disease remains associated with poor outcomes and therapy-associated late effects, and the majority of patients are ...
  • Ryan S L; Schwalbe E C; Cole M; Lu Y; Lusher M E; Megahed H; O'Toole K; Nicholson S L; Bognár, László; Garami, Miklós; Hauser, Péter; Korshunov A; Pfister S M; Williamson D; Taylor R E; Ellison D W; Bailey S; Clifford S C (2012)