tallózása szerző szerint "Podracka L"

A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • Krischock LA; van Stralen KJ; Verrina E; Tizard EJ; Bonthuis M; Reusz, György; Hussain FK; Jankauskiene A; Novljan G; Spasojevic-Dimitrijeva B; Podracka L; Zaller V; Jager KJ; Schaefer F; ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry (2016)
    BACKGROUND: Our aim was to determine the prevalence of sub-target hemoglobin (Hb) levels in children with a renal allograft and to identify potential determinants associated with these Hb levels. METHODS: Data from 3669 ...
  • Rusai, Krisztina; Bánki, Nóra Fanni; Prókai, Ágnes; Podracka L; Szebeni, Beáta; Tulassay, Tivadar; Reusz, György; Sallay, Péter; Kormendy R; Szabó, Attila; Fekete, Andrea (2010)
    Background. Anatomical malformations of the kidney and urinary tract account for 17% of pediatric renal transplantation procedures. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are molecular chaperones with a protective function that ...