Browsing by Author "Zádor Ferenc"

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  • Zádor Ferenc; Balogh Mihály; Váradi András; Zádori Zoltán Sándor; Király Kornél P; Szűcs Edina; Varga B; Lázár Bernadette; Hosztafi Sándor; Riba Pál; Benyhe Sándor; Fürst Zsuzsanna; Al-Khrasani Mahmoud (2017)
    14-O-methyl (14-O-Me) group in morphine-6-O-sulfate (M6SU) or oxymorphone has been reported to be essential for enhanced affinity, potency and antinociceptive effect of these opioids. Herein we report on the pharmacological ...
  • Zádor Ferenc; Király Kornél P; Váradi András; Balogh Mihály; Fehér Ágnes; Kocsis D; Erdei Anna; Lackó Erzsébet; Zádori Zoltán Sándor; Hosztafi Sándor; Noszál Béla; Riba Pál; Benyhe Sándor; Fürst Zsuzsanna; Al-Khrasani Mahmoud (2017)
    Opioid antagonists, naloxone and naltrexone have long been used in clinical practice and research. In addition to their low selectivity, they easily pass through the blood-brain barrier. Quaternization of the amine group ...
  • Balogh Mihály; Zádori Zoltán Sándor; Lázár Bernadette; Karadi D; Laszlo S; Hosztafi Sándor; Zádor Ferenc; Riba Pál; Fürst Zsuzsanna; Al-Khrasani Mahmoud (2018)
    Opioid analgesics devoid of central side effects are unmet medical need in the treatment of acute pain (e.g. post-operative pain). Recently, we have reported on 14-O-methylmorphine-6-O-sulfate (14-O-MeM6SU), a novel opioid ...

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