Browsing by Author "Zadeh G"

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  • Fontebasso AM; Schwartzentruber J; Khuong-Quang D-A; Liu X-Y; Sturm D; Korshunov A; Jones DTW; Witt H; Kool M; Albrecht S; Fleming A; Hadjadj D; Busche S; Lepage P; Montpetit A; Staffa A; Gerges N; Zakrzewska M; Zakrzewski K; Liberski PP; Hauser, Péter; Garami, Miklós; Klekner, Álmos; Bognár, László; Zadeh G; Faury D; Pfister SM; Jabado N; Majewski J (2013)
    Recurrent mutations affecting the histone H3.3 residues Lys27 or indirectly Lys36 are frequent drivers of pediatric high-grade gliomas (over 30 % of HGGs). To identify additional driver mutations in HGGs, we investigated ...

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