MTMT-ben szereplő publikációk tallózása szerző szerint "Szalai, Bence"

A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • Tóth, András; Gyombolai, Pál; Szalai, Bence; Várnai, Péter; Turu, Gábor; Hunyady, László (2017)
    Heterodimerization between angiotensin type 1A receptor (AT1R) and β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) has been shown to modulate G protein-mediated effects of these receptors. Activation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) ...
  • Menden, MP; Wang, D; Mason, MJ; Szalai, Bence; Bulusu, KC; Guan, Y; Yu, T; Kang, J; Jeon, M; Wolfinger, R; Nguyen, T; Zaslavskiy, M; Abante, J; Abecassis, BS; Aben, N; Aghamirzaie, D; Aittokallio, T; Akhtari, FS; Al-lazikani, B; Alam, T; Allam, A; Allen, C; de Almeida, MP; Altarawy, D; Alves, V; Amadoz, A; Anchang, B; Antolin, AA; Ash, JR; Aznar, VR; Ba-alawi, W; Bagheri, M; Bajic, V; Ball, G; Ballester, PJ; Baptista, D; Bare, C; Bateson, M; Bender, A; Bertrand, D; Wijayawardena, B; Boroevich, KA; Bosdriesz, E; Bougouffa, S; Bounova, G; Brouwer, T; Bryant, B; Calaza, M; Calderone, A; Calza, S; Capuzzi, S; Carbonell-Caballero, J; Carlin, D; Carter, H; Castagnoli, L; Celebi, R; Cesareni, G; Chang, H; Chen, G; Chen, H; Chen, H; Cheng, L; Chernomoretz, A; Chicco, D; Cho, K-H; Cho, S; Choi, D; Choi, J; Choi, K; Choi, M; Cock, MD; Coker, E; Cortes-Ciriano, I; Cserzö, Miklós; Cubuk, C; Curtis, C; Daele, DV; Dang, CC; Dijkstra, T; Dopazo, J; Draghici, S; Drosou, A; Dumontier, M; Ehrhart, F; Eid, F-E; ElHefnawi, M; Elmarakeby, H; van Engelen, B; Engin, HB; de Esch, I; Evelo, C; Falcao, AO; Farag, S; Fernandez-Lozano, C; Fisch, K; Flobak, A; Fornari, C; Foroushani, ABK; Fotso, DC; Fourches, D; Friend, S; Frigessi, A; Gao, F; Gao, X; Gerold, JM; Gestraud, P; Ghosh, S; Gillberg, J; Godoy-Lorite, A; Godynyuk, L; Godzik, A; Goldenberg, A; Gomez-Cabrero, D; Gonen, M; de Graaf, C; Gray, H; Grechkin, M; Guimera, R; Guney, E; Haibe-Kains, B; Han, Y; Hase, T; He, D; He, L; Heath, LS; Hellton, KH; Helmer-Citterich, M; Hidalgo, MR; Hidru, D; Hill, SM; Hochreiter, S; Hong, S; Hovig, E; Hsueh, Y-C; Hu, Z; Huang, JK; Huang, RS; Hunyady, László; Hwang, J; Hwang, TH; Hwang, W; Hwang, Y; Isayev, O; Don’t Walk, OB IV; Jack, J; Jahandideh, S; Ji, J; Jo, Y; Kamola, PJ; Kanev, GK; Karacosta, L; Karimi, M; Kaski, S; Kazanov, M; Khamis, AM; Khan, SA; Kiani, NA; Kim, A; Kim, J; Kim, J; Kim, K; Kim, K; Kim, S; Kim, Y; Kim, Y; Kirk, PDW; Kitano, H; Klambauer, G; Knowles, D; Ko, M; Kohn-Luque, A; Kooistra, AJ; Kuenemann, MA; Kuiper, M; Kurz, C; Kwon, M; van Laarhoven, T; Laegreid, A; Lederer, S; Lee, H; Lee, J; Lee, YW; Lepp_aho, E; Lewis, R; Li, J; Li, L; Liley, J; Lim, WK; Lin, C; Liu, Y; Lopez, Y; Low, J; Lysenko, A; Machado, D; Madhukar, N; Maeyer, DD; Malpartida, AB; Mamitsuka, H; Marabita, F; Marchal, K; Marttinen, P; Mason, D; Mazaheri, A; Mehmood, A; Mehreen, A; Michaut, M; Miller, RA; Mitsopoulos, C; Modos, D; Moerbeke, MV; Moo, K; Motsinger-Reif, A; Movva, R; Muraru, S; Muratov, E; Mushthofa, M; Nagarajan, N; Nakken, S; Nath, A; Neuvial, P; Newton, R; Ning, Z; Niz, CD; Oliva, B; Olsen, C; Palmeri, A; Panesar, B; Papadopoulos, S; Park, J; Park, S; Park, S; Pawitan, Y; Peluso, D; Pendyala, S; Peng, J; Perfetto, L; Pirro, S; Plevritis, S; Politi, R; Poon, H; Porta, E; Prellner, I; Preuer, K; Pujana, MA; Ramnarine, R; Reid, JE; Reyal, F; Richardson, S; Ricketts, C; Rieswijk, L; Rocha, M; Rodriguez-Gonzalvez, C; Roell, K; Rotroff, D; de Ruiter, JR; Rukawa, P; Sadacca, B; Safikhani, Z; Safitri, F; Sales-Pardo, M; Sauer, S; Schlichting, M; Seoane, JA; Serra, J; Shang, M-M; Sharma, A; Sharma, H; Shen, Y; Shiga, M; Shin, M; Shkedy, Z; Shopsowitz, K; Sinai, S; Skola, D; Smirnov, P; Soerensen, IF; Soerensen, P; Song, J-H; Song, SO; Soufan, O; Spitzmueller, A; Steipe, B; Suphavilai, C; Tamayo, SP; Tamborero, D; Tang, J; Tanoli, Z-U-R; Tarres-Deulofeu, M; Tegner, J; Thommesen, L; Tonekaboni, SAM; Tran, H; Troyer, ED; Truong, A; Tsunoda, T; Turu, Gábor; Tzeng, G-Y; Verbeke, L; Videla, S; Vis, D; Voronkov, A; Votis, K; Wang, A; Wang, H-QH; Wang, P-W; Wang, S; Wang, W; Wang, X; Wang, X; Wennerberg, K; Wernisch, L; Wessels, L; van Westen, GJP; Westerman, BA; White, SR; Willighagen, E; Wurdinger, T; Xie, L; Xie, S; Xu, H; Yadav, B; Yau, C; Yeerna, H; Yin, JW; Yu, M; Yu, MH; Yun, SJ; Zakharov, A; Zamichos, A; Zanin, M; Zeng, L; Zenil, H; Zhang, F; Zhang, P; Zhang, W; Zhao, H; Zhao, L; Zheng, W; Zoufir, A; Zucknick, M; AstraZeneca-Sanger, Drug Combination DREAM Consortium; Jang, IS; Ghazoui, Z; Ahsen, ME; Vogel, R; Neto, EC; Norman, T; Tang, EKY; Garnett, MJ; Veroli, GYD; Fawell, S; Stolovitzky, G; Guinney, J; Dry, JR; Saez-Rodriguez, J (2019)
    The effectiveness of most cancer targeted therapies is short-lived. Tumors often develop resistance that might be overcome with drug combinations. However, the number of possible combinations is vast, necessitating data-driven ...
  • Andreas Keller; Richard C. Gerkin; Yuanfang Guan; Amit Dhurandhar; Turu, Gábor; Szalai, Bence; Joel D. Mainland; Yusuke Ihara; Chung Wen Yu; Russ Wolfinger; Celine Vens; Leader Schietgat; Kurt De Grave; Raquel Norel; DREAM Olfaction Prediction Consortium; Gustavo Stolovitzky; Guillermo A. Cecchi; Leslie B. Vosshall; Pablo Meyer (2017)
    It is still not possible to predict whether a given molecule will have a perceived odor or what olfactory percept it will produce.We therefore organized the crowd-sourced DREAM Olfaction Prediction Challenge. Using a large ...
  • Holland, Christian H; Tanevski, Jovan; Perales-Patón, Javier; Gleixner, Jan; Kumar, Manu P; Mereu, Elisabetta; Joughin, Brian A; Stegle, Oliver; Lauffenburger, Douglas A; Heyn, Holger; Szalai, Bence; Saez-Rodriguez, Julio (2020)
    Many functional analysis tools have been developed to extract functional and mechanistic insight from bulk transcriptome data. With the advent of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), it is in principle possible to do ...
  • Szalai, Bence; Subramanian, Vigneshwari; Holland, Christian H; Alföldi, Róbert; Puskás, László; Saez-Rodriguez, Julio (2019)
    Transcriptional perturbation signatures are valuable data sources for functional genomics. Linking perturbation signatures to screenings opens the possibility to model cellular phenotypes from expression data and to identify ...