Auffray C; Balling R; Barroso I; Bencze, László Tamás; Benson M; Bergeron J; Bernal-Delgado E; Blomberg N; Bock C; Conesa A; Del Signore S; Delogne C; Devilee P; Di Meglio A; Eijkemans M; Flicek P; Graf N; Grimm V; Guchelaar H-J; Guo Y-K; Gut IG; Hanbury A; Hanif S; Hilgers R-D; Honrado A; Hose DR; Houwing-Duistermaat J; Hubbard T; Janacek SH; Karanikas H; Kievits T; Kohler M; Kremer A; Lanfear J; Lengauer T; Maes E; Meert T; Müller W; Nickel D; Oledzki P; Pedersen B; Petkovic M; Pliakos K; Rattray M; i Màs JR; Schneider R; Sengstag T; Serra-Picamal X; Spek W; Vaas LAI; van Batenburg O; Vandelaer M; Varnai P; Villoslada P; Vizcaíno JA; Wubbe JPM; Zanetti G(2016)
Medicine and healthcare are undergoing profound changes. Whole-genome sequencing and high-resolution imaging technologies are key drivers of this rapid and crucial transformation. Technological innovation combined with ...