Browsing by Author "Obradors-Tarrago C"

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  • Wykes T; Haro JM; Belli SR; Obradors-Tarrago C; Arango C; Ayuso-Mateos JL; Bitter, István; Brunn M; Chevreul K; Demotes-Mainard J; Elfeddali I; Evans-Lacko S; Fiorillo A; Forsman AK; Hazo JB; Kuepper R; Knappe S; Leboyer M; Lewis SW; Linszen D; Luciano M; Maj M; McDaid D; Miret M; Papp S; Park AL; Schumann G; Thornicroft G; van der Feltz-Cornelis C; van Os J; Wahlbeck K; Walker-Tilley T; Wittchen HU; ROAMER consortium (2015)
    Mental and brain disorders represent the greatest health burden to Europe-not only for directly affected individuals, but also for their caregivers and the wider society. They incur substantial economic costs through direct ...
  • Haro JM; Ayuso-Mateos JL; Bitter, István; Demotes-Mainard J; Leboyer M; Lewis SW; Linszen D; Maj M; McDaid D; Meyer-Lindenberg A; Robbins TW; Schumann G; Thornicroft G; Van Der Feltz-Cornelis C; Van Os J; Wahlbeck K; Wittchen HU; Wykes T; Arango C; Bickenbach J; Brunn M; Cammarata P; Chevreul K; Evans-Lacko S; Finocchiaro C; Fiorillo A; Forsman AK; Hazo JB; Knappe S; Kuepper R; Luciano M; Miret M; Obradors-Tarrago C; Pagano G; Papp, Szilvia; Walker-Tilley T (2014)
    Despite the high impact of mental disorders in society, European mental health research is at a critical situation with a relatively low level of funding, and few advances been achieved during the last decade. The development ...

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