Abstract Significance: Both circadian rhythm and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are fundamental features of aerobic eukaryotic cells. The circadian clock enhances the fitness of organisms by enabling them to anticipate cycling changes in the surroundings. ROS generation in the cell is often altered in response to environmental changes, but oscillations in ROS levels may also reflect endogenous metabolic fluctuations governed by the circadian clock. On the other hand, an effective regulation and timing of antioxidant mechanisms may be crucial in the defense of cellular integrity. Thus, an interaction between the circadian timekeeping machinery and ROS homeostasis or signaling in both directions may be of advantage at all phylogenetic levels. Recent Advances: The Frequency-White Collar-1 and White Collar-2 oscillator (FWO) of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa is well characterized at the molecular level. Several members of the ROS homeostasis were found to be controlled by the circadian clock, and ROS levels display circadian rhythm in Neurospora. On the other hand, multiple data indicate that ROS affect the molecular oscillator. Critical Issues: Increasing evidence suggests the interplay between ROS homeostasis and oscillators that may be partially or fully independent of the FWO. In addition, ROS may be part of a complex cellular network synchronizing non-transcriptional oscillators with timekeeping machineries based on the classical transcription-translation feedback mechanism. Future Directions: Further investigations are needed to clarify how the different layers of the bidirectional interactions between ROS homeostasis and circadian regulation are interconnected. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 00, 000-000.