Egyszerű nézet Vasziné Szabó Enikő Nemeskéri Ágnes Heinzlmann Andrea Suzuki N Arimura A Köves Katalin 2015-06-09T10:36:36Z 2015-06-09T10:36:36Z 2002
dc.identifier.citation pagination=75-81;journalVolume=109;journalIssueNumber=1-3;journalTitle=REGULATORY PEPTIDES; hu
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1016/S0167-0115(02)00186-6
dc.description.abstract The presence of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) was previously demonstrated in the anterior pituitary by radioimmunoassay, immunohistochemistry, and reverse transcript-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). With the use of cell immunoblot assay (CIBA), when the pituitary cells were cultured on nitrocellulose membrane, the release of PACAP by individual anterior pituitary cells was observed. The released peptide, trapped by the nitrocellulose membrane forming a blot around the cells, was demonstrated by immunocytochemistry. Double labeling revealed that a part of PACAP-immunoreactive cells can release LH as well. With the use of sandwich enzyme immunoassay (S-EIA), it was found that the concentration of PACAP in the anterior pituitaries is 10(-10) M. In cell culture in a similar concentration, PACAP stimulated the LH release from female gonadotropes, but did not influence it from male ones. The stimulated release of LH was indicated by the enhancement in the diameter of LH blots compared to the untreated control cultures. We concluded that PACAP may be released from the anterior pituitary cells in a concentration which would be able to influence LH release not only in vitro but under in vivo conditions as well. The effect of PACAP on LH release was different in female and male pituitary cultures. hu
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0167-0115
dc.title Cell immunoblot assay study demonstrating the release of PACAP from individual anterior pituitary cells of rats and the effect of PACAP on LH release. hu
dc.type Journal Article hu 2015-02-10T11:52:45Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en hu
dc.identifier.mtmt 1495538
dc.identifier.wos 000179213400012
dc.identifier.pubmed 12409218
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/Humánmorfológiai és Fejlődésbiológiai Intézet
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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