Egyszerű nézet Molnár, Andrea Ágnes Apor, Astrid Kristóf, Vera Nádasy, György László Préda, István Hüttl, Kálmán Acsády, György Monos, Emil Bérczi, Viktor 2016-09-01T08:48:27Z 2016-09-01T08:48:27Z 2006
dc.identifier.citation pagination=639-645; journalVolume=117; journalIssueNumber=6; journalTitle=THROMBOSIS RESEARCH;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1016/j.thromres.2005.05.012
dc.description.abstract Introduction: In situ biomechanical properties of peripheral large veins were compared between asymptomatic young patients who had previously unilateral femoro-popliteal deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and age-matched, healthy controls; the aim of this study was to assess local or generalized alterations of venous watt biomechanics in postthrombotic patients. Patients and methods: Inner diameters of both common femoral veins, right axillary vein, and right internal jugular veins were measured in two directions by uttrasonography. Venous pressure was altered by posture changes (standing and tying) and by application of graded and controlled Valsava. Ten postthrombotic young patients without any symptoms and 11 age-matched control subjects were included. Results: In postthrombotic patients, both the affected and unaffected common femoral vein diameters and capacities were larger at tow transmural pressures than those for the control group, but they demonstrated significantly less distensibitity when higher pressures were applied. Similarly, in the internal jugular vein, capacity without Vatsalva was significantly higher in postthrombotic patients and distensibility was reduced (statistically significant in the erect position). Pressure-induced changes in axillary vein diameter were negligible. Conclusions: In situ diameter and capacity changes, and in situ distensibility of the femoral veins on both sides (i.e., the side of previous thrombosis as well as the disease free side) and of the jugular veins are reduced in the young DVT patients compared to veins of the age-matched, healthy controls. The pathophysiotogicat mechanism of generalized venous watt changes in these young DVT patients remains unknown. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0049-3848
dc.title Generalized changes in venous distensibility in postthrombotic patients
dc.type Journal Article 2015-11-20T10:16:58Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 1335097
dc.identifier.wos 000237369500005
dc.identifier.pubmed 16019057
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/Klinikai Kísérleti Kutató- és Humán Élettani Intézet
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/K/Érsebészeti Klinika
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/K/Kardiológia Központ - Kardiológiai Tanszék
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/K/Radiológiai és Onkoterápiás Klinika
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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