Browsing Folyóiratcikkek by Title

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  • Árvai, Kristóf; Horváth, Péter; Balla, Bernadett; Tőkés, Anna-Mária; Tóbiás, Bálint; Takács, István; Nagy, Zsolt; Lakatos, Péter; Kósa, János (2014)
    BRCA1 and BRCA2 are two well-known genes in the background of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. There is also evidence that several other genes play an important role in the pathogenesis of these two malignancies. ...
  • Carvalho AF,; Dimellis D,; Gonda, Xénia; Vieta E,; Mclntyre RS, (2014)
    OBJECTIVE: THE long-term course of bipolar disorder is typified by recurring mood episodes of opposite polarity as well as mixed states. Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder refers to the presence of at least 4 mood episodes in ...
  • Szili, Balázs; Görög, Dénes; Gerlei, Zsuzsanna; Győri, Gabriella; Lakatos, Péter; Takács, István (2016)
  • Németh, Nóra; Kerékgyártó, Márta Zsuzsa; Sasvári-Székely, Mária; Rónai, Zsolt; Guttman, András (2014)
    The 25 kDa Synaptosomal-associated protein (SNAP-25) is a crucial component of the Soluble N-Ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor Attachment Protein Receptor (SNARE) complex and plays an important role in neurotransmission in ...
  • Szijártó Attila; Turóczi Zsolt; Szabó József; Kaliszky Péter; Gyurkovics Endre; Arányi Péter; Regáli László; Harsányi László; Lotz Gábor (2013)
    The most severe complication of ischemia-reperfusion injury following lower limb arterial surgery is reperfusion syndrome. Therefore, our aim was to describe the extent of muscle damage and the reperfusion syndrome-related ...
  • Zai, G; Alberry, B; Arloth, J; Bánlaki, Zsófia; Bares, C; Boot, E; Camilo, C; Chadha, K; Chen, Q; Cole, CB; Cost, KT; Crow, M; Ekpor, I; Fischer, SB; Flatau, L; Gagliano, S; Kirli, U; Kukshal, P; Labrie, V; Lang, M; Lett, TA; Maffioletti, E; Maier, R; Mihaljevic, M; Mittal, K; Monson, ET; O'brien, NL; Østergaard, SøD; Ovenden, E; Patel, S; Peterson, RE; Pouget, JG; Rovaris, DL; Seaman, L; Shankarappa, B; Tsetsos, F; Vereczkei, Andrea; Wang, C; Xulu, K; Yuen, RKC; Zhao, J; Zai, CC; Kennedy, JL (2016)
    The XXIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics meeting, sponsored by the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, was held in Toronto, ON, Canada, on 16-20 October 2015. Approximately 700 participants attended ...
  • Huang AY; Yu D; Davis LK; Sul JH; Tsetsos F; Ramensky V; Zelaya I; Ramos EM; Osiecki L; Chen JA; McGrath LM; Illmann C; Sandor P; Barr CL; Grados M; Singer HS; Nothen MM; Hebebrand J; King RA; Dion Y; Rouleau G; Budman CL; Depienne C; Worbe Y; Hartmann A; Muller-Vahl KR; Stuhrmann M; Aschauer H; Stamenkovic M; Schloegelhofer M; Konstantinidis A; Lyon GJ; McMahon WM; Barta, Csaba; Tárnok, Zsanett; Nagy, Péter; Batterson JR; Rizzo R; Cath DC; Wolanczyk T; Berlin C; Malaty IA; Okun MS; Woods DW; Rees E; Pato CN; Pato MT; Knowles JA; Posthuma D; Pauls DL; Cox NJ; Neale BM; Freimer NB; Paschou P; Mathews CA; Scharf JM; Coppola G; Tourette Syndrome Association International Consortium for Genetics (TSAICG); Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome GWAS Replication Initiative (GGRI) (2017)
    Tourette syndrome (TS) is a model neuropsychiatric disorder thought to arise from abnormal development and/or maintenance of cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits. TS is highly heritable, but its underlying genetic ...
  • Schulte EC; Fukumori A; Mollenhauer B; Hor H; Arzberger T; Perneczky R; Kurz A; Diehl-Schmid J; Hull M; Lichtner P; Eckstein G; Zimprich A; Haubenberger D; Pirker W; Brucke T; Bereznai Benjamin; Molnar Mária Judit; Lorenzo-Betancor O; Pastor P; Peters A; Gieger C; Estivill X; Meitinger T; Kretzschmar HA; Trenkwalder C; Haass C; Winkelmann J (2015)
    Many individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) develop cognitive deficits, and a phenotypic and molecular overlap between neurodegenerative diseases exists. We investigated the contribution of rare variants in seven genes ...
  • Schulte EC; Stahl I; Czamara D; Ellwanger DC; Eck S; Graf E; Mollenhauer B; Zimprich A; Lichtner P; Haubenberger D; Pirker W; Brucke T; Bereznai Benjamin; Molnár Mária Judit; Peters A; Gieger C; Muller-Myhsok B; Trenkwalder C; Winkelmann J (2013)
    Approximately 20% of individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) report a positive family history. Yet, a large portion of causal and disease-modifying variants is still unknown. We used exome sequencing in two affected ...
  • Kafatos G; Niepel D; Lowe K; Jenkins-Anderson S; Westhead H; Tímár, József; Tóth, Erika (2017)
    AIM: A confirmed wild-type RAS tumor status is commonly required for prescribing anti-EGFR treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer. This noninterventional, observational research project estimated RAS mutation prevalence ...
  • Merkely, Béla Péter; Kosztin, Annamária; Róka, Attila; Gellér, László Alajos; Zima, Endre István; Kovács, Attila; Boros, András Mihály; Klein H; Wranicz JK; Hindricks G; Clemens M; Duray GZ; Moss AJ; Goldenberg I; Kutyifa, Valentina (2017)
  • Iqbal, Amna; Malik, Shahrukh; Nurulain, Syed M; Musilek, Kamil; Kuca, Kamil; Kalász, Huba; Fatmi, M Qaiser (2019)
    Organophosphates (OPs) irreversibly inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) enzymes. The reactivation of these inhibited enzymes is paramount for their normal function. Present study evaluates ...
  • Gyöngyösi, Norbert; Nagy, Dóra; Makara, Krisztina; Ella, Krisztina; Káldi, Krisztina (2013)
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) may serve as signals coupling metabolism to other cell functions. In addition to being by-products of normal metabolism, they are generated at elevated levels under environmental stress ...
  • Kovács, István; Horvath M; Lányi, Árpád; Petheő, Gábor L.; Geiszt, Miklós (2015)
    Regulated production of ROS is mainly attributed to Nox family enzymes. In neutrophil granulocytes and macrophages, Nox2 has a crucial role in bacterial killing, and the absence of phagocytic ROS production leads to the ...
  • Györgyi, Zoltán; Dérfalvi, Beáta (2014)
  • Tian J; Varga, Boglárka Enikő; Somfai, Gábor Márk; Lee WH; Smiddy WE; Cabrera DeBuc D (2015)
    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a high speed, high resolution and non-invasive imaging modality that enables the capturing of the 3D structure of the retina. The fast and automatic analysis of 3D volume OCT data is ...
  • Orbán Csaba; Perez-Garcia E; Bajnok Anna; McBean G; Toldi Gergely (2016)
    Nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) is a novel method to increase cell proliferation rate. The phenomenon is based on the microporation of cellular organelles and membranes. However, we have limited information on the ...
  • Gibbons A; Láng, Orsolya; Kojima Y; Ito M; Ono K; Tanaka K; Sivaniah E (2017)
  • Katona L; Czobor, Pál; Bitter, István (2014)
    BACKGROUND: Leading guidelines recommend antipsychotic (AP) monotherapy for schizophrenia, nonetheless the combination of antipsychotics (polypharmacy) is common practice worldwide. We conducted a nationwide population-based ...
  • Ali, S.R.; Bryce, J.; Haghpanahan, H.; Lewsey, J.D.; Tan, L.E.; Atapattu, N.; Birkebaek, N.H.; Blankenstein, O.; Neumann, U.; Balsamo, A.; Ortolano, R.; Bonfig, W.; Claahsen-van, der Grinten H.L.; Cools, M.; Costa, E.C.; Darendeliler, F.; Poyrazoglu, S.; Elsedfy, H.; Finken, M.J.J.; Fluck, C.E.; Gevers, E.; Korbonits, M.; Guaragna-Filho, G.; Guran, T.; Guven, A.; Hannema, S.E.; Higham, C.; Hughes, I.A.; Tadokoro-Cuccaro, R.; Thankamony, A.; Iotova, V.; Krone, N.P.; Krone, R.; Lichiardopol, C.; Luczay, Andrea; Mendonca, B.B.; Bachega, T.A.S.S.; Miranda, M.C.; Milenkovic, T.; Mohnike, K.; Nordenstrom, A.; Einaudi, S.; van, der Kamp H.; Vieites, A.; de, Vries L.; Ross, R.J.M.; Ahmed, S.F. (2021)
    BACKGROUND: Although congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is known to be associated with adrenal crises (AC), its association with patient- or clinician-reported sick day episodes (SDE) is less clear. METHODS: Data on ...

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