The transcriptional regulator JDP2 (Jun dimerization protein 2) has been identified as a prognostic marker for patients to develop heart failure after myocardial infarction. We now performed in vivo studies on JDP2-overexpressing ...
The authors present an interesting case of massive gastrointestinal bleeding which is caused by extended jejunal polyposis. They discuss the diagnostic challenges and the way of successful treatment of this case. The authors ...
Haltrich, Irén; Kost-Alimova M; Kovács, Gábor; Kriván, Gergely; Tamaska J; Klein G; Fekete, György; Imreh S(2006)
The virtually obligatory presence of the Philadelphia chromosome may suggest a causal homogeneity, but chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a clinically heterogeneous disease. This may be a consequence of the variable BCR ...
Marijuana (cannabis) is the most commonly abused drug by adolescents and young adults and also by people with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. An increasing number of studies suggest that regular cannabis users ...