Browsing Folyóiratcikkek by Author "Aareleid T"

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  • Gatta G; Botta L; Rossi S; Aareleid T; Bielska-Lasota M; Clavel J; Dimitrova N; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Kaatsch P; Lacour B; Mallone S; Marcos-Gragera R; Minicozzi P; Sanchez-Perez MJ; Sant M; Santaquilani M; Stiller C; Tavilla A; Trama A; Visser O; Peris-Bonet R; EUROCARE Working Group (2014)
    BACKGROUND: Survival and cure rates for childhood cancers in Europe have greatly improved over the past 40 years and are mostly good, although not in all European countries. The EUROCARE-5 survival study estimates survival ...

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