Egyszerű nézet Fullár, Alexandra Baghy, Kornélia Deák, Ferenc Péterfia, Bálint Zsak Y Tátrai, Péter Schaff, Zsuzsa Dudas J Kiss, Ibolya Kovalszky, Ilona 2016-06-16T10:37:29Z 2016-06-16T10:37:29Z 2014
dc.identifier 84898657460
dc.identifier.citation pagination=e93469; journalVolume=9; journalIssueNumber=4; journalTitle=PLOS ONE;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093469
dc.description.abstract Matrilin-2 (Matn2) is a multidomain adaptor protein which plays a role in the assembly of extracellular matrix (ECM). It is produced by oval cells during stem cell-driven liver regeneration. In our study, the impact of Matn2 on hepatocarcinogenesis was investigated in Matn2(-/-) mice comparing them with wild-type (WT) mice in a diethylnitrosamine (DEN) model. The liver tissue was analyzed macroscopically, histologically and immunohistochemically, at protein level by Proteome Profiler Arrays and Western blot analysis. Matn2(-/-) mice exhibited higher susceptibility to hepatocarcinogenesis compared to wild-type mice. In the liver of Matn2(-/-) mice, spontaneous microscopic tumor foci were detected without DEN treatment. After 15 mu g/g body weight DEN treatment, the liver of Matn2(-/-) mice contained macroscopic tumors of both larger number and size than the WT liver. In contrast with the WT liver, spontaneous phosphorylation of EGFR, Erk1/2 GSK-3 alpha/beta and retinoblastoma protein (p-Rb), decrease in p21/CIP1 level, and increase in beta-Catenin protein expression were detected in Matn2(-/-) livers. Focal Ki-67 positivity of these samples provided additional support to our presumption that the lack of Matn2 drives the liver into a pro-proliferatory state, making it prone to tumor development. This enhanced proliferative capacity was further increased in the tumor nodules of DEN-treated Matn2(-/-) livers. Our study suggests that Matn2 functions as a tumor suppressor in hepatocarcinogenesis, and in this process activation of EGFR together with that of Erk1/2, as well as inactivation of GSK-3 beta, play strategic roles.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:1932-6203
dc.title Lack of Matrilin-2 Favors Liver Tumor Development via Erk1/2 and GSK-3 beta Pathways In Vivo
dc.type Journal Article 2015-11-25T14:20:25Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 2591134
dc.identifier.wos 000334101100086
dc.identifier.pubmed 24691449
dc.contributor.department MTA Szegedi Biológiai Kutatóközpont
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/I. Sz. Patológiai és Kísérleti Rákkutató Intézet
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/II. Sz. Patológiai Intézet
dc.contributor.institution MTA Szegedi Biológiai Kutatóközpont
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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