Egyszerű nézet Jakab, Csaba Kiss, András Schaff, Zsuzsa Szabó Z Rusvai, Miklós Gálfi, Péter Szabára, Ágnes Sterczer, Ágnes Kulka, Janina 2016-12-15T11:28:23Z 2016-12-15T11:28:23Z 2010
dc.identifier 77955326392
dc.identifier.citation pagination=857-864; journalVolume=25; journalIssueNumber=7; journalTitle=HISTOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY;
dc.description.abstract The aim of the present study was to characterise the expression pattern of claudin-7 tight junction protein in canine normal liver, hyperplastic and primary neoplastic lesions of the canine liver and whether this tight junction protein can help differentiate canine cholangiocarcinomas from canine hepatocellular carcinomas. Methods and results: Necropsy samples included 15 canine normal liver tissue samples, 10 hepatocellular nodular hyperplasias, 6 hepatocellular adenomas, 15 well-differentiated and 6 poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinomas, 6 cholangiocellular hyperplasias, 10 cholangiocellular adenomas, 15 well-differentiated and 6 poorly differentiated cholangiocarcinomas, 6 normal extrahepatic bile ducts, 8 normal gall bladder tissue samples, and 5 cystic mucinous hyperplasias of the gall bladder. In all canine normal liver tissue samples the hepatocytes were negative for claudin-7 and the normal biliary epithelial cells showed intense basolateral membrane claudin-7 positivity. In all cholangiocellular hyperplasia samples and in all cholangiocellular adenoma samples the benign cholangiocytes showed intense basolateral membrane positivity for claudin-7. In all samples of the well-differentiated and poorly differentiated cholangiocarcinomas, the malignant neoplastic biliary epithelial cells showed intense basolateral membrane positivity for claudin-7. Neither the hyperplastic nodules of the liver cells nor the hepatocellular adenomas reacted with claudin-7. The well-differentiated and poorly differentiated hepatocellular cancers were negative for claudin-7. The epithelial cells of canine normal extrahepatic bile ducts, gall bladder and cystic mucinous hyperplasias of the gall bladder showed intense basolateral membrane positivity for claudin-7. Differences in the intensity of claudin-7 reaction were not apparent among different types of proliferative lesions of cholangiocytes or degrees of cellular differentiation of neoplastic biliary epithelial cells. Conclusion: Consequently, we hypothesize that claudin-7 is an excellent immunohistochemical marker of the cholangiocellular differentiation in canines and can be used to detect benign and malignant proliferative lesions of the canine biliary tract. It can also help to differentiate canine cholangiocarcinomas from hepatocellular carcinomas.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0213-3911
dc.title Claudin-7 protein differentiates canine cholangiocarcinoma from hepatocellular carcinoma
dc.type Journal Article 2016-06-08T12:19:24Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 1353167
dc.identifier.wos 000278035600004
dc.identifier.pubmed 20503174
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/II. Sz. Patológiai Intézet
dc.contributor.department SZIE/Állatorvostudományi Kar
dc.contributor.department SZIE/ÁOTK/Állat-egészségügyi igazgatástani és agrárgazdaságtani tanszék
dc.contributor.department SZIE/ÁOTK/Belgyógyászati tanszék és klinika
dc.contributor.department SZIE/ÁOTK/Patológiai Tanszék
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem
dc.contributor.institution Szent István Egyetem

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