OBJECTIVE: To describe alterations of gene expression patterns of the alcohol dehydrogenase-1 (ADH1) gene in human leiomyoma tissue. We correlated changes in ADH1 gene activity with several clinical and demographic variables. STUDY DESIGN: We compared gene expression patterns of ADH1 in leiomyoma tissue samples obtained from 101 hysterectomy cases to 110 cases of hysterectomy performed for non-oncological indications. Gene expression was determined by standard PCR technique. Clinical and epidemiological data were extracted from the computerized database of the 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Semmelweis University and from patient questionnaires. RESULTS: Median age in the leiomyoma group was significantly lower than in the control group (47.5+/-12.1 vs. 54.7+/-10.2 years). The incidence of uterine leiomyoma was highest (48%) in the 41-50 year age group. In the obstetric history, cumulative gestational age in the leiomyoma group was significantly lower (105.1+/-8.2 weeks) than in the control group (127.2+/-9.1 weeks) and cumulative lactation length was also significantly shorter (2.4+/-1.2 months vs. 5.1+/-2.2 months). Surgical treatment of the fibroid was myomectomy in 39.6% of the cases and hysterectomy in 60.4%. The ADH1 gene was significantly underexpressed in the leiomyoma group compared to the control group. There was no significant association between ADH1 gene expression and family history. Within the leiomyoma group, there was no significant difference in ADH1 gene expression between subgroups of cases with different number of fibroid tumors found in the hysterectomy sample, but individual tumor number did correlate with the degree of underexpression of the ADH1 gene. There was no significant association between ADH1 gene expression and cumulative history of lactation. CONCLUSIONS: Underexpression of the ADH1 gene, which influences the transformation of the extracellular matrix, plays a probable role in the etiology of uterine fibroid. Although significant differences in ADH1 gene activity were not seen, a negative correlation between tumor number and degree of ADH1 underexpression was found. Neither family history nor cumulative lactation length was a significant predictor of uterine leiomyoma.