Egyszerű nézet Speer, Gábor Szamosujvári Jr P, Dombai P, Csóré K, Mikófalvi K, Lakatos, Péter 2014-11-24T15:58:59Z 2014-11-24T15:58:59Z 2013
dc.identifier 84878741470
dc.identifier.citation pagination=754328; journalVolume=2013; journalIssueNumber=2013; journalTitle=INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1155/2013/754328
dc.description.abstract Purpose. Adequate calcium intake is the basis of osteoporosis therapy - when this proves insufficient, even specific antiosteoporotic agents cannot exert their actions properly. Methods. Our representative survey analyzed the dietary intake and supplementation of calcium in 8033 Hungarian female and male (mean age: 68 years) (68.01 (CI95: 67.81-68.21)) patients with osteoporosis. Results. Mean intake from dietary sources was 665 ± 7.9 mg (68.01 (CI95: 67.81-68.21)) daily. A significant positive relationship could be detected between total dietary calcium intake and lumbar spine BMD (P = 0.045), whereas such correlation could not be demonstrated with femoral T -score. Milk consumption positively correlated with femur (P = 0.041), but not with lumbar BMD. The ingestion of one liter of milk daily increased the T -score by 0.133. Average intake from supplementation was 558 ± 6.2 mg (68.01 (CI95: 67.81-68.21)) daily. The cumulative dose of calcium - from both dietary intake and supplementation - was significantly associated with lumbar (r = 0.024, P = 0.049), but not with femur BMD (r = 0.021, P = 0.107). The currently recommended 1000-1500 mg total daily calcium intake was achieved in 34.5% of patients only. It was lower than recommended in 47.8% of the cases and substantially higher in 17.7% of subjects. Conclusions. We conclude that calcium intake in Hungarian osteoporotic patients is much lower than the current recommendation, while routinely applied calcium supplementation will result in inappropriately high calcium intake in numerous patients. © 2013 Gábor Speer et al.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:1687-8337
dc.title Dietary calcium intake and calcium supplementation in hungarian patients with osteoporosis
dc.type Journal Article 2014-11-10T18:19:25Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 2401851
dc.identifier.wos 000319162900001
dc.contributor.department I. Sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika

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