Egyszerű nézet Bodor A Kiss, István 2018-04-27T09:11:31Z 2018-04-27T09:11:31Z 2016
dc.identifier 84957923012
dc.identifier.citation pagination=247-259; journalVolume=157; journalIssueNumber=7; journalTitle=ORVOSI HETILAP;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1556/650.2016.30372
dc.description.abstract The aim of this review is to present recommendations of the currently valid Hungarian practice guidelines regarding antihypertensive therapy of the elderly and very elderly with different cardiovascular risk profiles, compare and contrast these with international guidelines, describe changes brought about by the past 15 years, and review the evidence behind. Hypertension treatment guidelines and relevant statements of the Hungarian and European Societies of Hypertension, of the Joint National Committee and American Heart Association were processed. The use of age-independent treatment threshold, goal blood pressure values, and the tendency towards more intensive control in co-morbidities conferring high cardiovascular risk were overcome by the upsurge of new evidence and the re-evaluation of previous clinical trial data. These lead to the introduction of age-specific and generally less stringent blood pressure targets in all regions compared. However, the guidelines currently in force still differ in terms of the attainable values in concomitant diabetes, chronic kidney disease or albuminuria, use of beta-blockers and the definition of elderly. Nevertheless, there is unanimous agreement that benefit from lowering of blood pressure under systolic 140 mmHg is not supported by evidence and further investigation is warranted to determine optimal treatment targets in the elderly, in the aged over 80 and specific elderly risk groups. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(7), 247-259.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0030-6002
dc.title Különböző cardiovascularis kockázatú idős, hypertoniás betegek kezelési elveinek összehasonlítása a magyar és nemzetközi irányelvek alapján (2001–2015)
dc.type Journal Article 2018-03-17T19:49:39Z
dc.language.rfc3066 hu
dc.identifier.mtmt 3022321
dc.identifier.wos 000369958200002
dc.identifier.pubmed 26853726
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/K/IISZBK/II. Sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika Geriátriai Tanszéki Csoport
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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