Egyszerű nézet Gelley Fanni Zádori Gergely Nemes Balázs Fassan M Lendvai Gábor András Sárváry Enikő Doros Attila Gerlei Zsuzsanna Nagy Péter Schaff Zsuzsa Kiss András 2014-12-18T09:15:19Z 2014-12-18T09:15:19Z 2014
dc.identifier 84897626519
dc.identifier.citation pagination=121-127; journalVolume=29; journalIssueNumber=1; journalTitle=JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1111/jgh.12362
dc.description.abstract BACKGROUND AND AIM: Management of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) recurrence is a major challenge after liver transplantation. Significant dysregulated expression of HCV receptors (i.e. claudin-1, occludin, CD81, Scavenger-receptor Type B1) has been shown recently during HCV infection. This might facilitate hepatocytic entry and reinfection of HCV. MicroRNAs (miRs) play role in the regulation of gene expression. We aimed to characterize miR expression profiles related to HCV infection and antiviral therapy in adult liver transplant recipients, with special emphasis on microRNAs predicted to target HCV receptors. METHODS: Twenty-eight adult liver transplant recipients were enrolled in the study. Paired biopsies were obtained at the time of HCV recurrence and at the end of antiviral treatment. MicroRNAs for HCV receptors were selected using target prediction software. Expression levels of miR-21, miR-23a miR-34a, miR-96, miR-99a*, miR-122, miR-125b, miR-181a-2*, miR-194, miR-195, miR-217, miR-221 and miR-224 were determined by RT-qPCR. RESULTS: miR-99a* and miR-224 expressions were increased in HCV recurrence samples, while miR-21 and miR-194 were decreased in comparison to normal liver tissue. Increased expressions of miR-221, miR-224 and miR-217 were observed in samples taken after antiviral therapy when compared with HCV recurrence samples. High HCV titer at recurrence was associated with higher level of miR-122. CONCLUSIONS: Samples at recurrence of HCV and after antiviral therapy revealed distinct HCV-related microRNA expression profiles, with significant dysregulation of those miRNAs potentially targeting mRNAs of HCV receptors. In particular, miR-194 and miR-21 might be involved in the regulation of HCV receptor proteins' expression during HCV infection and antiviral therapy.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0815-9319
dc.title MicroRNA profile before and after antiviral therapy in liver transplant recipients for Hepatitis C virus cirrhosis
dc.type Journal Article 2014-11-11T14:19:20Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 2404503
dc.identifier.wos 000328735600020
dc.identifier.pubmed 24033414
dc.contributor.department SE/ÁOK/I/I. Sz. Patológiai és Kísérleti Rákkutató Intézet
dc.contributor.department SE/ÁOK/I/II. Sz. Patológiai Intézet
dc.contributor.department SE/ÁOK/K/Transzplantációs és Sebészeti Klinika
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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