Egyszerű nézet Mártonfalvi, Zsolt Bianco P Linari M Caremani M Nagy A Lombardi V Kellermayer, Miklós 2018-06-15T07:24:15Z 2018-06-15T07:24:15Z 2014
dc.identifier 84894073792
dc.identifier.citation pagination=858-870; journalVolume=127; journalIssueNumber=4; journalTitle=JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1242/jcs.138461
dc.description.abstract Titin is a giant elastomeric muscle protein that has been suggested to function as a sensor of sarcomeric stress and strain, but the mechanisms by which it does so are unresolved. To gain insight into its mechanosensory function we manipulated single titin molecules with high-resolution optical tweezers. Discrete, step-wise transitions, with rates faster than canonical Ig domain unfolding occurred during stretch at forces as low as 5 pN. Multiple mechanisms and molecular regions (PEVK, proximal tandem-Ig, N2A) are likely to be involved. The pattern of transitions is sensitive to the history of contractile events. Monte-Carlo simulations of our experimental results predicted that structural transitions begin before the complete extension of the PEVK domain. High-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) supported this prediction. Addition of glutamate-rich PEVK domain fragments competitively inhibited the viscoelastic response in both single titin molecules and muscle fibers, indicating that PEVK domain interactions contribute significantly to sarcomere mechanics. Thus, under non-equilibrium conditions across the physiological force range, titin extends by a complex pattern of history-dependent discrete conformational transitions, which, by dynamically exposing ligand-binding sites, could set the stage for the biochemical sensing of the mechanical status of the sarcomere.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0021-9533
dc.title Low-force transitions in single titin molecules reflect a memory of contractile history
dc.type Journal Article 2018-05-10T12:50:28Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 2558892
dc.identifier.wos 000332114800014
dc.identifier.pubmed 24357719
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/BSI/MTA-SE Molekuláris Biofizikai Kutatócsoport
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem
dc.mtmt.swordnote FELTÖLTŐ: Haluszka Dóra - Martonfalvi Z; Bianco P authors contributed equally to this work.

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