dc.contributor.author | R. Lacroix | |
dc.contributor.author | C. Judicone | |
dc.contributor.author | M. Mooberry | |
dc.contributor.author | M. Boucekine | |
dc.contributor.author | N. S. Key | |
dc.contributor.author | F. DIGNAT-GEORGE | |
dc.contributor.author | THE ISTH SSC WORKSHOP | |
dc.contributor.other | Ambrozic A | |
dc.contributor.other | Bailly N | |
dc.contributor.other | Buffat C | |
dc.contributor.other | Buzas E | |
dc.contributor.other | Char-pentier A | |
dc.contributor.other | Chatelain B | |
dc.contributor.other | Dogne J.M.D | |
dc.contributor.other | Falanga A | |
dc.contributor.other | Garcia Arias-Salgado | |
dc.contributor.other | Gyorgy B | |
dc.contributor.other | Harrison M | |
dc.contributor.other | Kwaan H | |
dc.contributor.other | et al | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-10-05T09:50:45Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-10-05T09:50:45Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017 | |
dc.identifier | 85020613245 | |
dc.identifier.citation | pagination=1236-1236; journalVolume=15; journalIssueNumber=6; journalTitle=JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS; | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repo.lib.semmelweis.hu//handle/123456789/5446 | |
dc.identifier.uri | doi:10.1111/jth.13704 | |
dc.relation.ispartof | urn:issn:1538-7933 | |
dc.title | Standardization of pre-analytical variables in plasma microparticle determination: results of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis SSC Collaborative workshop (vol 11, pg 1190, 2013) | |
dc.type | Journal Corrigendum | |
dc.date.updated | 2018-05-15T09:34:55Z | |
dc.language.rfc3066 | en | |
dc.identifier.mtmt | 3255871 | |
dc.identifier.wos | 000402865700021 |