Egyszerű nézet Szakadáti, Gyöngyi Tóth, András Olah I, Erdélyi, László Sándor Balla T, Várnai, Péter Hunyady, László Balla, András 2022-04-14T09:06:44Z 2022-04-14T09:06:44Z 2015
dc.identifier 84940069288
dc.identifier.citation pagination=972-981; journalVolume=87; journalIssueNumber=6; journalTitle=MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1124/mol.114.097030
dc.description.abstract Biased agonism on the type I angiotensin receptor (AT1-R) can achieve different outcomes via activation of G protein-dependent and -independent cellular responses. In this study, we investigated whether the biased activation of AT1-R can lead to different regulation and intracellular processing of the receptor. We analyzed beta-arrestin binding, endocytosis, and subsequent trafficking steps, such as early and late phases of recycling of AT1-R in human embryonic kidney 293 cells expressing wild-type or biased mutant receptors in response to different ligands. We used Renilla luciferase-tagged receptors and yellow fluorescent protein-tagged beta-arrestin2, Rab5, Rab7, and Rab11 proteins in bioluminescence resonance energy transfer measurements to follow the fate of the receptor after stimulation. We found that not only is the signaling of the receptor different upon using selective ligands, but the fate within the cells is also determined by the type of the stimulation. beta-arrestin binding and the internalization kinetics of the angiotensin II-stimulated AT1-R differed from those stimulated by the biased agonists. Similarly, angiotensin II-stimulated wild-type AT1-R showed differences compared with a biased mutant AT1-R (DRY/AAY AT1-R) with regards to beta-arrestin binding and endocytosis. We found that the differences in the internalization kinetics of the receptor in response to biased agonist stimulation are due to the differences in plasma membrane phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate depletion. Moreover, the stability of the beta-arrestin binding is a major determinant of the later fate of the internalized AT1-R receptor.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0026-895X
dc.title Investigation of the fate of type I angiotensin receptor after biased activation
dc.type Journal Article 2018-06-13T13:58:38Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 2921409
dc.identifier.wos 000354617000008
dc.identifier.pubmed 25804845
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/Élettani Intézet
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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