Egyszerű nézet Fodor, Zsuzsanna Sirály, Enikő Horváth, András Attila Salacz, Pál Hidasi, Zoltán Csibri E Szabó, Ádám György Csukly, Gábor 2018-10-01T12:35:13Z 2018-10-01T12:35:13Z 2018
dc.identifier 85048369838
dc.identifier.citation pagination=489-502; journalVolume=63; journalIssueNumber=2; journalTitle=JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.3233/JAD-171079
dc.description.abstract Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) refers to a measurable deficit in cognition in the absence of dementia or impairment in activities of daily living. Working memory impairment is among the earliest signs of MCI. Oscillatory analysis of working memory might be a potential tool for identifying patients at increased risk of developing dementia. Our study aimed to assess the temporospatial pattern of spectral differences during working memory maintenance between MCI patients and healthy controls and to compare the sources of oscillatory activity between the two groups. Event-related spectral perturbation of 17 MCI patients and 21 healthy control participants was studied with 128-channel EEG during the Sternberg working memory task. Source localization was performed by using the eLORETA software. Among the participants, 13 MCI and 15 control participants underwent a structural brain MRI examination. Event-related synchronization (ERS) in the alpha and beta frequency band was significantly lower in MCI patients compared to healthy control participants during retention. Both study groups showed significant memory load-related enhancement in both frequency band. In the MCI group, source localization revealed significantly attenuated beta oscillatory activity in the inferior and middle temporal gyrus, in the fusiform gyrus, and in the cuneus. Beta ERS correlated significantly with the size of the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and parahippocampal gyrus. During the retention period, MCI is characterized by decreased alpha and beta ERS compared to controls indicating early impairment in neural networks serving working memory maintenance. The assessment of electrophysiological changes in the beta frequency range may provide a useful diagnostic tool for the early detection of cognitive impairment.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:1387-2877
dc.title Decreased Event-Related Beta Synchronization During Memory Maintenance Marks Early Cognitive Decline in Mild Cognitive Impairment
dc.type Journal Article 2018-09-20T11:48:07Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 3380342
dc.identifier.wos 000430831000007
dc.identifier.pubmed 29630552

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