Egyszerű nézet Márton Margita Tihanyi N Gyulavári Pál Bánhegyi Gábor Kapuy Orsolya 2021-04-15T11:06:51Z 2021-04-15T11:06:51Z 2018
dc.identifier 85057567328
dc.identifier.citation journalVolume=13;journalIssueNumber=11;pagination=e0207949, pages:15;;journalTitle=PLOS ONE;journalAbbreviatedTitle=PLOS ONE;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0207949
dc.description.abstract Oxidative stress results in activation of several signal transduction pathways controlled by the PERK-substrate NRF2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2); meanwhile the ongoing cell division cycle has to be blocked. It has been recently shown that Cyclin D1 got immediately down-regulated via PERK pathway in response to oxidative stress leading to cell cycle arrest. However, the effect of NRF2 on cell cycle regulation has not been explored yet. We aimed to reveal a crosstalk between PERK-substrate NRF2 and the key elements of cell cycle regulatory network upon oxidative stress using molecular biological techniques- Although Cyclin D1 level remained constant, its activity was blocked by various stoichiometric inhibitors (such as p15, p21 and p27) even at low level of oxidative stress. The activity of these CDK inhibitors completely disappeared, when the addition of oxidative agent was combined with silencing of either PERK or NRF2.This further confirms the important role of NRF2 in blocking Cyclin D1 with stoichiometric inhibitors at early stage of oxidative stress.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:1932-6203
dc.title NRF2-regulated cell cycle arrest at early stage of oxidative stress response mechanism 2018-12-12T09:44:11Z
dc.rights.holder NULL
dc.identifier.mtmt 30345126
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/Orvosi Vegytani, Molekuláris Biológiai és Patobiokémiai Intézet
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/OVMBPI/MTA-SE Pathobiokémiai Kutatócsoport
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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