Egyszerű nézet Dombi, János Péter Illés, Árpád Demeter, Judit Homor, Lajos Simon, Zsófia Zsuzsanna Karádi, Éva Udvardy, Miklós Egyed, Miklós 2021-09-01T12:46:05Z 2021-09-01T12:46:05Z 2017
dc.identifier 84992499034
dc.identifier.citation journalVolume=98;journalIssueNumber=2;journalTitle=EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY;pagerange=106-111;journalAbbreviatedTitle=EUR J HAEMATOL;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1111/ejh.12806
dc.description.abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reduction of thrombotic events (TE) in patients with essential thrombocythaemia (ET) treated with anagrelide versus hydroxyurea + aspirin (HU+ASA). METHODS: A questionnaire was developed using 2008 WHO diagnostic criteria, and thrombotic risk factors were stratified according to Landolfi criteria. Through questionnaire completion, clinicians at Hungarian haematological centres entered data into the Hungarian MPN Registry on patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms. Based on ET registry data, TEs in anagrelide-treated patients (n=139) were compared with HU+ASA-treated patients (n=141). RESULTS: Patients were followed up for (median) 6 years. TEs were reported in significantly fewer anagrelide-treated patients versus HU+ASA (15.1% versus 49.6%; p<0.001). Numbers of major arterial and major venous events were similar between the groups, although there were over five-fold more minor arterial and minor venous events in the HU+ASA group (p<0.001). While median age at diagnosis was older and length of follow up shorter in the HU+ASA group (p<0.05), this did not influence TE incidence; medication and TE before diagnosis only influenced TE incidence. CONCLUSIONS: Anagrelide significantly decreased the number of patients experiencing minor arterial and minor venous TEs versus HU+ASA over 6 years. Risk of TE after diagnosis was significantly increased if the patient had TE before diagnosis. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
dc.format.extent 106-111
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0902-4441
dc.title Anagrelide reduces thrombotic risk in essential thrombocythaemia vs. hydroxyurea plus aspirin
dc.type Journal Article 2019-07-16T11:34:27Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.rights.holder NULL
dc.identifier.mtmt 3105492
dc.identifier.wos 000393167400001
dc.identifier.pubmed 27557754
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/K/I. Sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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