Egyszerű nézet Fountoulakis KN Gonda Xénia Vieta E Schmidt F 2014-12-12T08:39:47Z 2014-12-12T08:39:47Z 2009
dc.identifier 75649129999
dc.identifier.citation pagination=27; journalVolume=8; journalTitle=ANNALS OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1186/1744-859X-8-27
dc.description.abstract Background: We present a systematic review and meta-analysis of the available clinical trials concerning the usefulness of aripiprazole in the treatment of the psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder.Methods: A systematic MEDLINE and repository search concerning clinical trials for aripiprazole in bipolar disorder was conducted.Results: The meta-analysis of four randomised controlled trials (RCTs) on acute mania suggests that the effect size of aripiprazole versus placebo was equal to 0.14 but a more reliable and accurate estimation is 0.18 for the total Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) score. The effect was higher for the PANSS-positive subscale (0.28), PANSS-hostility subscale (0.24) and PANSS-cognitive subscale (0.20), and lower for the PANSS-negative subscale (0.12). No data on the depressive phase of bipolar illness exist, while there are some data in favour of aripiprazole concerning the maintenance phase, where at week 26 all except the total PANSS score showed a significant superiority of aripiprazole over placebo (d = 0.28 for positive, d = 0.38 for the cognitive and d = 0.71 for the hostility subscales) and at week 100 the results were similar (d = 0.42, 0.63 and 0.48, respectively).Conclusion: The data analysed for the current study support the usefulness of aripiprazole against psychotic symptoms during the acute manic and maintenance phases of bipolar illness. © 2009 Fountoulakis et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:1744-859X
dc.title Treatment of psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder with aripiprazole monotherapy: A meta-analysis
dc.type Journal Article 2014-12-11T14:01:58Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 1801041
dc.identifier.pubmed 20043829
dc.contributor.department SE/ÁOK/I/Farmakológiai és Farmakoterápiás Intézet
dc.contributor.department SE/ÁOK/K/Kútvölgyi Klinikai Tömb egyéb osztályok
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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