Egyszerű nézet Sándor Tamás 2014-12-18T08:32:03Z 2014-12-18T08:32:03Z 2010
dc.identifier 75649090391
dc.identifier.citation pagination=131-139; journalVolume=151; journalIssueNumber=4; journalTitle=ORVOSI HETILAP;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1556/OH.2010.28790
dc.description.abstract Chronic venous disease affecting one-third of the European population has a considerable socioeconomic impact. There is increasing evidence, that the structural remodelling of the vein wall is caused by two etiological factors: the disturbed flow patterns in cosequence of the high venous pressure and a progressive inflammatory cascade. In the microcirculation the trapping of the white cells and the leukocyte-endothelium interaction lead to skin changes and leg ulcer. The CEAP classification has been adopted world-wide to faciliate the uniform communication and the description of all classes of the disease. For the practising physician the duplex scan is a valuable instrument to provide correct diagnosis and to guide the treatment. This ultrasound technique gives lot of useful information about the venous system of the lower leg, helps to identify the presence and sites of the reflux and the potential occlusion of the proximal veins. The possible treatments are the followings: conservative basis therapy - including compression, venoactive drugs, venous excersises, giving advice to patients and health care - as well as surgery and sclerotherapy. New promising therapeutic procedures, such as endovenous operations with radiofrequency or laser and foam sclerotherapy are spreading rapidly all over the world.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0030-6002
dc.title Krónikus vénás betegség – ahogy ma látjuk [Chronic venous disease. A state of art]
dc.type Journal Article 2014-12-17T18:19:44Z
dc.language.rfc3066 hu
dc.identifier.mtmt 1826532
dc.identifier.pubmed 20071318
dc.contributor.department SE/ÁOK/K/II. sz. Sebészeti Klinika
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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