Egyszerű nézet Cervenak László Magyar Attila Fajka-Boja Roberta László Glória 2015-03-10T09:05:48Z 2015-03-10T09:05:48Z 2001
dc.identifier.citation pagination=89-96;journalVolume=78;journalIssueNumber=2;journalTitle=IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS; hu
dc.description.abstract GL7 was originally described as a 35-kDa late activation antigen on mouse T and B cells. GL7 expression has also been demonstrated on thymocytes, germinal center B cells and some neuronal cell types. Flow-cytometry and immunohistochemistry were used to follow changes in the expression of GL7 during B cell development, amongst B cell subpopulations and various anatomical locations. GL7 is expressed as early as the pro-B cell stage and increases up to the pre-B-I stadium. Expression remains high on pre-B-II and on immature B cells, although slightly decreases during maturation. GL7 is almost completely downregulated when IgD appears on the cell surface. On the periphery only a few B cells are positive and these cells are almost exclusively found in the sIgD− germinal center areas of lymph nodes and spleen. The staining pattern of GL7 is very similar to that of PNA in the lymph nodes but in the bone marrow we have found both B220+PNA+GL7− and B220+PNA+GL7+ populations, showing that GL7 and the antigen recognized by PNA are different. After in vitro stimulation, the GL7hi B cell population has also been found to be IgD negative. Functional comparison between in vitro activated and MACS sorted GL7hi and GL7lo/− spleen B cells of immunized mice showed significantly higher specific and total antibody production as well as antigen presenting capacity in the GL7hi population. hu
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0165-2478
dc.title Differential expression of GL7 activation antigen on bone marrow B cell subpopulations and peripheral B cells hu
dc.type Journal Article hu 2015-02-12T12:07:56Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en hu
dc.identifier.mtmt 1452887
dc.identifier.wos WOS:000170641200005
dc.identifier.pubmed 11672592
dc.contributor.department MTA TKI/MTA-SE Gyulladásbiológiai és Immungenomikai Kutatócsoport (2006-ig: MTA-SE Molekuláris Immunológiai Kutatócsoport)
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/Humánmorfológiai és Fejlődésbiológiai Intézet
dc.contributor.institution MTA Támogatott Kutatócsoportok
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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