Folyóiratcikkek tallózása szerző szerint "Garami, Miklós"

A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • Baili P; Hoekstra-Weebers J; Van Hoof E; Bartsch HH; Travado L; Garami, Miklós; Di Salvo F; Micheli A; Veerus P; The EUROCHIP-3 Working group on Cancer Rehabilitation (2013)
    Little is known of cancer rehabilitation needs in Europe. EUROCHIP-3 organised a group of experts to propose a list of population-based indicators used for describing cancer rehabilitation across Europe. The aim of this ...
  • Müller, Judit; Szűcs-Farkas, Dóra; Szegedi, István; Csóka, Monika; Garami, Miklós; Tiszlavicz, Lilla Györgyi; Hauser, Péter; Kriván, Gergely; Csanádi, Krisztina; Ottóffy, Gábor; Nagy, Béla; Kiss, Csongor; Kovács, Gábor (2022)
    We report on children with cancer in Hungary suffering from COVID-19, surveying a 13-months-long period of time. We performed a retrospective clinical trial studying the medical documentation of children treated in seven ...
  • Bűdi, Tamás; Tóth, Katalin; Nagy A; Szever Z; Kiss A; Temesvári, Manna; Háfra, Edit; Garami, Miklós; Tapodi A; Monostory, Katalin (2015)
    Objectives: Valproic acid (VPA)-induced adverse effects, which are sometimes serious in children, can be associated with alterations in VPA metabolism. VPA-evoked toxicity is attributed to both the parent compound and its ...
  • Shih, DJ; Northcott, PA; Remke, M; Korshunov, A; Ramaswamy, V; Kool, M; Luu, B; Yao, Y; Wang, X; Dubuc, AM; Garzia, L; Peacock, J; Mack, SC; Wu, X; Rolider, A; Morrissy, AS; Cavalli, FM; Jones, DT; Zitterbart, K; Faria, CC; Schuller, U; Kren, L; Kumabe, T; Tominaga, T; Shin, Ra Y; Garami, Miklós; Hauser, Péter; Chan, JA; Robinson, S; Bognár, László; Klekner, Álmos; Saad, AG; Liau, LM; Albrecht, S; Fontebasso, A; Cinalli, G; De Antonellis, P; Zollo, M; Cooper, MK; Thompson, RC; Bailey, S; Lindsey, JC; Di Rocco, C; Massimi, L; Michiels, EM; Scherer, SW; Phillips, JJ; Gupta, N; Fan, X; Muraszko, KM; Vibhakar, R; Eberhart, CG; Fouladi, M; Lach, B; Jung, S; Wechsler-Reya, RJ; Fevre-Montange, M; Jouvet, A; Jabado, N; Pollack, IF; Weiss, WA; Lee, JY; Cho, BK; Kim, SK; Wang, KC; Leonard, JR; Rubin, JB; de Torres, C; Lavarino, C; Mora, J; Cho, YJD; Tabori, U; Olson, JM; Gajjar, A; Packer, RJ; Rutkowski, S; Pomeroy, SL; French, PJ; Kloosterhof, NK; Kros, JM; Van, Meir EG; Clifford, SC; Bourdeaut, F; Delattre, O; Doz, FF; Hawkins, CE; Malkin, D; Grajkowska, WA; Perek-Polnik, M; Bouffet, E; Rutka, JT; Pfister, SM; Taylor, M (2014)
    PURPOSE: Medulloblastoma comprises four distinct molecular subgroups: WNT, SHH, Group 3, and Group 4. Current medulloblastoma protocols stratify patients based on clinical features: patient age, metastatic stage, extent ...
  • van Zanten SE; Baugh J; Chaney B; De Jongh D; Aliaga ES; Barkhof F; Noltes J; De Wolf R; Van Dijk J; Cannarozzo A; Damen-Korbijn CM; Lieverst JA; Colditz N; Hoffmann M; Warmuth-Metz M; Bison B; Jones DT; Sturm D; Gielen GH; Jones C; Hulleman E; Calmon R; Castel D; Varlet P; Giraud G; Slavc I; Van Gool S; Jacobs S; Jadrijevic-Cvrlje F; Sumerauer D; Nysom K; Pentikainen V; Kivivuori SM; Leblond P; Entz-Werle N; von Bueren AO; Kattamis A; Hargrave DR; Hauser P; Garami, Miklós; Thorarinsdottir HK; Pears J; Gandola L; Rutkauskiene G; Janssens GO; Torsvik IK; Perek-Polnik M; Gil-da-Costa MJ; Zheludkova O; Shats L; Deak L; Kitanovski L; Cruz O; La Madrid AM; Holm S; Gerber N; Kebudi R; Grundy R; Lopez-Aguilar E; Zapata-Tarres M; Emmerik J; Hayden T; Bailey S; Biassoni V; Massimino M; Grill J; Vandertop WP; Kaspers GJ; Fouladi M; Kramm CM; van Vuurden DG; members of the SIOPE DIPG Network (2017)
    Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a rare and deadly childhood malignancy. After 40 years of mostly single-center, often non-randomized trials with variable patient inclusions, there has been no improvement in ...
  • Schwalbe EC; Williamson D; Lindsey JC; Hamilton D; Ryan SL; Megahed H; Garami, Miklós; Hauser, Péter; Dembowska-Baginska B; Perek D; Northcott PA; Taylor MD; Taylor RE; Ellison DW; Bailey S; Clifford SC (2013)
    Molecular subclassification is rapidly informing the clinical management of medulloblastoma. However, the disease remains associated with poor outcomes and therapy-associated late effects, and the majority of patients are ...
  • Schwartzentruber, J; Korshunov, A; Liu, XY; Jones, DT; Pfaff, E; Jacob, K; Sturm, D; Fontebasso, AM; Quang, DA; Tonjes, M; Hovestadt, V; Albrecht, S; Kool, M; Nantel, A; Konermann, C; Lindroth, A; Jager, N; Rausch, T; Ryzhova, M; Korbel, JO; Hielscher, T; Hauser, Péter; Garami, Miklós; Klekner, Álmos; Bognár, László; Ebinger, M; Schuhmann, MU; Scheurlen, W; Pekrun, A;; Fruhwald, MC; Roggendorf, W; Kramm, C; Durken, M; Atkinson, J; Lepage, P; Montpetit, A; Zakrzewska, M; Zakrzewski, K; Liberski, PP; Dong, Z; Siegel, P; Kulozik, AE; Zapatka, M; Guha, A; Malkin, D; Felsberg, J; Reifenberger, G; von Deimling, A; Ichimura, K; Collins, VP; Witt, H; Milde, T; Witt, O; Zhang, C; Castelo-Branco, P; Lichter, P; Faury, D; Tabori, U; Plass, C; Majewski, J; Pfister, SM; Jabado, N (2012)
    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a lethal brain tumour in adults and children. However, DNA copy number and gene expression signatures indicate differences between adult and paediatric cases. To explore the genetic events ...
  • Jacob K; Albrecht S; Sollier C; Faury D; Sader E; Montpetit A; Serre D; Hauser, Péter; Garami, Miklós; Bognár, László; Hanzély Z; Montes JL; Atkinson J; Farmer JP; Bouffet E; Hawkins C; Tabori U; Jabado N (2009)
    BACKGROUND: Juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas (JPA), a subgroup of low-grade astrocytomas (LGA), are common, heterogeneous and poorly understood subset of brain tumours in children. Chromosomal 7q34 duplication leading to ...
  • Juhász, Orsolya; Erdélyi, Zoltán; Garami, Miklós (2016)
  • Garami, Miklós; Györgyi, Zoltán; Jakab, Zsuzsanna (2013)
  • Mynarek M; Pizer B; Dufour C; van Vuurden D; Garami, Miklós; Massimino M; Fangusaro J; Davidson T; Gil-da-Costa MJ; Sterba J; Benesch M; Gerber N; Juhnke BO; Kwiecien R; Pietsch T; Kool M; Clifford S; Ellison DW; Giangaspero F; Wesseling P; Gilles F; Gottardo N; Finlay JL; Rutkowski S; von Hoff K (2017)
  • Mózes, Petra; Hauser, Péter; Hortobágyi, Tibor; Benyo G; Peták, István; Garami, Miklós; Cserháti, Adrienn; Bartyik K; Bognár, László; Nagy, Zoltán; Turányi, Eszter; Hideghéty, Katalin (2016)
    The embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true rosettes is a rare and highly malignant variant of embryonal brain tumors. It usually affects infants and young children under the age of 4 years and exhibits a very ...
  • Juhász, Orsolya; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Szabó, András; Garami, Miklós (2020)
    Objective: Our aims were to compare the vitamin D status of children with and without cancer and to examine the possible correlation between vitamin D levels in children with cancer before initiating treatment and prognosis. ...
  • Hauser, Péter; Hanzély Z; Jakab, Zsuzsanna; Oláh L; Malét-Szabó, Erika; Jeney, András; Schuler, Dezső; Fekete, György; Bognár, László; Garami, Miklós (2006)
    Expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) is of prognostic significance in several tumor types. HSP expression levels were determined in medulloblastomas and tested whether HSPs expression was associated with prognostic ...
  • Constantin, Tamás; Rákóczi, Éva; Ponyi, Andrea; Ambrus, Csaba; Kádár K; Vastagh, Ildikó; Dajnoki A; Tóth, Beáta; Bokrétás G; Müller, Veronika; Katona M; Medvecz, Márta; Fiedler O; Széchey R; Varga, Edit; Rudas, Gábor; Kertész, Attila Béla; Molnár, Sándor; Kárpáti, Sarolta; Nagy, Viktor; Magyar, Pál; Mahdi, Mohamed; Németh K; Bereczki, Dániel; Garami, Miklós; Erdős, Melinda; Maródi, László; Fekete, György (2010)
  • Constantin, Tamás; Székely A; Ponyi, Andrea; Gulácsy V; Ambrus, Csaba; Kádár K; Vastagh, Ildikó; Dajnoki A; Tóth B; Bokrétás G; Müller, Veronika; Katona M; Medvecz, Márta; Fiedler O; Széchey R; Varga, Edit; Rudas, Gábor; Kertész, Attila Béla; Molnár S; Kárpáti, Sarolta; Nagy V; Magyar, Pál; Mahdi, Mohamed; Rákóczi, Éva; Németh, Krisztina; Bereczki, Dániel; Garami, Miklós; Erdős, Melinda; Maródi L; Fekete, György (2010)
  • Hendrikse, Liam D.; Haldipur, Parthiv; Saulnier, Olivier; Millman, Jake; Sjoboen, Alexandria H.; Erickson, Anders W.; Ong, Winnie; Gordon, Victor; Coudière-Morrison, Ludivine; Mercier, Audrey L.; Shokouhian, Mohammad; Suárez, Raúl A.; Ly, Michelle; Borlase, Stephanie; Scott, David S.; Vladoiu, Maria C.; Farooq, Hamza; Sirbu, Olga; Nakashima, Takuma; Nambu, Shohei; Funakoshi, Yusuke; Bahcheli, Alec; Diaz-Mejia, J. Javier; Golser, Joseph; Bach, Kathleen; Phuong-Bao, Tram; Skowron, Patryk; Wang, Evan Y.; Kumar, Sachin A.; Balin, Polina; Visvanathan, Abhirami; Lee, John J. Y.; Ayoub, Ramy; Chen, Xin; Chen, Xiaodi; Mungall, Karen L.; Luu, Betty; Bérubé, Pierre; Wang, Yu C.; Pfister, Stefan M.; Kim, Seung-Ki; Delattre, Olivier; Bourdeaut, Franck; Doz, François; Masliah-Planchon, Julien; Grajkowska, Wieslawa A.; Loukides, James; Dirks, Peter; Fèvre-Montange, Michelle; Jouvet, Anne; French, Pim J.; Kros, Johan M.; Zitterbart, Karel; Bailey, Swneke D.; Eberhart, Charles G.; Rao, Amulya A. N.; Giannini, Caterina; Olson, James M.; Garami, Miklós; Hauser, Péter; Phillips, Joanna J.; Ra, Young S.; de Torres, Carmen; Mora, Jaume; Li, Kay K. W.; Ng, Ho-Keung; Poon, Wai S.; Pollack, Ian F.; López-Aguilar, Enrique; Gillespie, G. Yancey; Van Meter, Timothy E.; Shofuda, Tomoko; Vibhakar, Rajeev; Thompson, Reid C.; Cooper, Michael K.; Rubin, Joshua B.; Kumabe, Toshihiro; Jung, Shin; Lach, Boleslaw; Lolascon, Achille; Ferrucci, Veronica; de Antonellis, Pasqualino; Zollo, Massimo; Cinalli, Giuseppe; Robinson, Shenandoah; Stearns, Duncan S.; Van Meir, Erwin G.; Porrati, Paola; Finocchiaro, Gaetano; Massimino, Maura; Carlotti, Carlos G.; Faria, Claudia C.; Roussel, Martine F.; Boop, Frederick; Chan, Jennifer A.; Aldinger, Kimberly A.; Razavi, Ferechte; Silvestri, Evelina; McLendon, Roger E.; Thompson, Eric M.; Ansari, Marc; Garre, Maria L.; Chico, Fernando; Eguía, Pilar; Pérezpeña, Mario; Morrissy, A. Sorana; Cavalli, Florence M. G.; Wu, Xiaochong; Daniels, Craig; Rich, Jeremy N.; Jones, Steven J. M.; Moore, Richard A.; Marra, Marco A.; Huang, Xi; Reimand, Jüri; Sorensen, Poul H.; Wechsler-Reya, Robert J.; Weiss, William A.; Pugh, Trevor J.; Garzia, Livia; Kleinman, Claudia L.; Stein, Lincoln D.; Jabado, Nada; Malkin, David; Ayrault, Olivier; Golden, Jeffrey A.; Ellison, David W.; Doble, Brad; Ramaswamy, Vijay; Werbowetski-Ogilvie, Tamra E.; Suzuki, Hiromichi; Millen, Kathleen J.; Taylor, Michael D. (2022)
  • Garami, Miklós; Schuler, Dezső; Babosa M; Borgulya G; Hauser, Péter; Müller, Judit; Paksy A; Szabó E; Hidvégi M; Fekete, György (2004)
    PURPOSE: An open-label, matched-pair (by diagnosis, stage of disease, age, and gender) pilot clinical trial was conducted to test whether the combined administration of the medical nutriment MSC (Avemar) with cytotoxic ...
  • Kleinman, CL; Gerges, N; Papillon-Cavanagh, S; Sin-Chan, P; Pramatarova, A; Quang, DA; Adoue, V; Busche, S; Caron, M; Djambazian, H; Bemmo, A; Fontebasso, AM; Spence, T; Schwartzentruber, J; Albrecht, S; Hauser, Péter; Garami, Miklós; Klekner, Álmos; Bognár, László; Montes, JL; Staffa, A; Montpetit, A; Berube, P; Zakrzewska, M; Zakrzewski, K; Liberski, PP; Dong, Z; Siegel, PM; Duchaine, T; Perotti, C; Fleming, A; Faury, D; Remke, M; Gallo, M; Dirks, P; Taylor, MD; Sladek, R; Pastinen, T; Chan, JA; Huang, A; Majewski, J; Jabado, N (2014)
    Embryonal tumors with multilayered rosettes (ETMRs) are rare, deadly pediatric brain tumors characterized by high-level amplification of the microRNA cluster C19MC. We performed integrated genetic and epigenetic analyses ...
  • Qu HQ; Jacob K; Fatet S; Ge B; Barnett D; Delattre O; Faury D; Montpetit A; Solomon L; Hauser, Péter; Garami, Miklós; Bognár, László; Hanzély Z; Mio R; Farmer JP; Albrecht S; Polychronakos C; Hawkins C; Jabado N (2010)