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A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • Doleschall Márton; Szabo JA; Pazmandi J; Szilágyi Ágnes; Koncz Klára; Farkas Henriette; Tóth Miklós; Igaz Péter; Gláz Edit; Prohászka Zoltán; Korbonits M; Rácz Károly; Füst György; Patócs Attila Balázs (2014)
    PURPOSE: Systematic evaluation of the potential relationship between the common genetic variants of CYP21A2 and hormone levels. METHODS: The relationships of CYP21A2 intron 2 polymorphisms and haplotypes with diverse ...
  • Marcsa, Boglárka; Dénes, Réka; Vörös, Krisztina; Rácz, Gergely; Sasvári-Székely, Mária; Rónai, Zsolt; Törő, Klára; Keszler, Gergely (2015)
    Cardiac death remains one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Recent research has shed light on pathophysiological mechanisms underlying cardiac death, and several genetic variants in novel candidate genes have ...
  • Steinberg S; de Jong S; Mattheisen M; Costas J; Demontis D; Jamain S; Pietilainen OP; Lin K; Papiol S; Huttenlocher J; Sigurdsson E; Vassos E; Giegling I; Breuer R; Fraser G; Walker N; Melle I; Djurovic S; Agartz I; Tuulio-Henriksson A; Suvisaari J; Lonnqvist J; Paunio T; Olsen L; Hansen T; Ingason A; Pirinen M; Strengman E; Hougaard DM; Orntoft T; Didriksen M; Hollegaard MV; Nordentoft M; Abramova L; Kaleda V; Arrojo M; Sanjuan J; Arango C; Etain B; Bellivier F; Meary A; Schurhoff F; Szoke A; Ribolsi M; Magni V; Siracusano A; Sperling S; Rossner M; Christiansen C; Kiemeney LA; Franke B; van den Berg LH; Veldink J; Curran S; Bolton P; Poot M; Staal W; Rehnstrom K; Kilpinen H; Freitag CM; Meyer J; Magnusson P; Saemundsen E; Martsenkovsky I; Bikshaieva I; Martsenkovska I; Vashchenko O; Raleva M; Paketchieva K; Stefanovski B; Durmishi N; Pejovic Milovancevic M; Lecic Tosevski D; Silagadze T; Naneishvili N; Mikeladze N; Surguladze S; Vincent JB; Farmer A; Mitchell PB; Wright A; Schofield PR; Fullerton JM; Montgomery GW; Martin NG; Rubino IA; van Winkel R; Kenis G; De Hert M; Réthelyi, János; Bitter, István; Terenius L; Jonsson EG; Bakker S; van Os J; Jablensky A; Leboyer M; Bramon E; Powell J; Murray R; Corvin A; Gill M; Morris D; O'Neill FA; Kendler K; Riley B; Craddock N; Owen MJ; O'Donovan MC; Thorsteinsdottir U; Kong A; Ehrenreich H; Carracedo A; Golimbet V; Andreassen OA; Borglum AD; Mors O; Mortensen PB; Werge T; Ophoff RA; Nothen MM; Rietschel M; Cichon S; Ruggeri M; Tosato S; Palotie A; St Clair D; Rujescu D; Collier DA; Stefansson H; Stefansson K (2014)
    Epidemiological and genetic data support the notion that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder share genetic risk factors. In our previous genome-wide association study, meta-analysis and follow-up (totaling as many as 18 206 ...
  • Menden, MP; Wang, D; Mason, MJ; Szalai, Bence; Bulusu, KC; Guan, Y; Yu, T; Kang, J; Jeon, M; Wolfinger, R; Nguyen, T; Zaslavskiy, M; Abante, J; Abecassis, BS; Aben, N; Aghamirzaie, D; Aittokallio, T; Akhtari, FS; Al-lazikani, B; Alam, T; Allam, A; Allen, C; de Almeida, MP; Altarawy, D; Alves, V; Amadoz, A; Anchang, B; Antolin, AA; Ash, JR; Aznar, VR; Ba-alawi, W; Bagheri, M; Bajic, V; Ball, G; Ballester, PJ; Baptista, D; Bare, C; Bateson, M; Bender, A; Bertrand, D; Wijayawardena, B; Boroevich, KA; Bosdriesz, E; Bougouffa, S; Bounova, G; Brouwer, T; Bryant, B; Calaza, M; Calderone, A; Calza, S; Capuzzi, S; Carbonell-Caballero, J; Carlin, D; Carter, H; Castagnoli, L; Celebi, R; Cesareni, G; Chang, H; Chen, G; Chen, H; Chen, H; Cheng, L; Chernomoretz, A; Chicco, D; Cho, K-H; Cho, S; Choi, D; Choi, J; Choi, K; Choi, M; Cock, MD; Coker, E; Cortes-Ciriano, I; Cserzö, Miklós; Cubuk, C; Curtis, C; Daele, DV; Dang, CC; Dijkstra, T; Dopazo, J; Draghici, S; Drosou, A; Dumontier, M; Ehrhart, F; Eid, F-E; ElHefnawi, M; Elmarakeby, H; van Engelen, B; Engin, HB; de Esch, I; Evelo, C; Falcao, AO; Farag, S; Fernandez-Lozano, C; Fisch, K; Flobak, A; Fornari, C; Foroushani, ABK; Fotso, DC; Fourches, D; Friend, S; Frigessi, A; Gao, F; Gao, X; Gerold, JM; Gestraud, P; Ghosh, S; Gillberg, J; Godoy-Lorite, A; Godynyuk, L; Godzik, A; Goldenberg, A; Gomez-Cabrero, D; Gonen, M; de Graaf, C; Gray, H; Grechkin, M; Guimera, R; Guney, E; Haibe-Kains, B; Han, Y; Hase, T; He, D; He, L; Heath, LS; Hellton, KH; Helmer-Citterich, M; Hidalgo, MR; Hidru, D; Hill, SM; Hochreiter, S; Hong, S; Hovig, E; Hsueh, Y-C; Hu, Z; Huang, JK; Huang, RS; Hunyady, László; Hwang, J; Hwang, TH; Hwang, W; Hwang, Y; Isayev, O; Don’t Walk, OB IV; Jack, J; Jahandideh, S; Ji, J; Jo, Y; Kamola, PJ; Kanev, GK; Karacosta, L; Karimi, M; Kaski, S; Kazanov, M; Khamis, AM; Khan, SA; Kiani, NA; Kim, A; Kim, J; Kim, J; Kim, K; Kim, K; Kim, S; Kim, Y; Kim, Y; Kirk, PDW; Kitano, H; Klambauer, G; Knowles, D; Ko, M; Kohn-Luque, A; Kooistra, AJ; Kuenemann, MA; Kuiper, M; Kurz, C; Kwon, M; van Laarhoven, T; Laegreid, A; Lederer, S; Lee, H; Lee, J; Lee, YW; Lepp_aho, E; Lewis, R; Li, J; Li, L; Liley, J; Lim, WK; Lin, C; Liu, Y; Lopez, Y; Low, J; Lysenko, A; Machado, D; Madhukar, N; Maeyer, DD; Malpartida, AB; Mamitsuka, H; Marabita, F; Marchal, K; Marttinen, P; Mason, D; Mazaheri, A; Mehmood, A; Mehreen, A; Michaut, M; Miller, RA; Mitsopoulos, C; Modos, D; Moerbeke, MV; Moo, K; Motsinger-Reif, A; Movva, R; Muraru, S; Muratov, E; Mushthofa, M; Nagarajan, N; Nakken, S; Nath, A; Neuvial, P; Newton, R; Ning, Z; Niz, CD; Oliva, B; Olsen, C; Palmeri, A; Panesar, B; Papadopoulos, S; Park, J; Park, S; Park, S; Pawitan, Y; Peluso, D; Pendyala, S; Peng, J; Perfetto, L; Pirro, S; Plevritis, S; Politi, R; Poon, H; Porta, E; Prellner, I; Preuer, K; Pujana, MA; Ramnarine, R; Reid, JE; Reyal, F; Richardson, S; Ricketts, C; Rieswijk, L; Rocha, M; Rodriguez-Gonzalvez, C; Roell, K; Rotroff, D; de Ruiter, JR; Rukawa, P; Sadacca, B; Safikhani, Z; Safitri, F; Sales-Pardo, M; Sauer, S; Schlichting, M; Seoane, JA; Serra, J; Shang, M-M; Sharma, A; Sharma, H; Shen, Y; Shiga, M; Shin, M; Shkedy, Z; Shopsowitz, K; Sinai, S; Skola, D; Smirnov, P; Soerensen, IF; Soerensen, P; Song, J-H; Song, SO; Soufan, O; Spitzmueller, A; Steipe, B; Suphavilai, C; Tamayo, SP; Tamborero, D; Tang, J; Tanoli, Z-U-R; Tarres-Deulofeu, M; Tegner, J; Thommesen, L; Tonekaboni, SAM; Tran, H; Troyer, ED; Truong, A; Tsunoda, T; Turu, Gábor; Tzeng, G-Y; Verbeke, L; Videla, S; Vis, D; Voronkov, A; Votis, K; Wang, A; Wang, H-QH; Wang, P-W; Wang, S; Wang, W; Wang, X; Wang, X; Wennerberg, K; Wernisch, L; Wessels, L; van Westen, GJP; Westerman, BA; White, SR; Willighagen, E; Wurdinger, T; Xie, L; Xie, S; Xu, H; Yadav, B; Yau, C; Yeerna, H; Yin, JW; Yu, M; Yu, MH; Yun, SJ; Zakharov, A; Zamichos, A; Zanin, M; Zeng, L; Zenil, H; Zhang, F; Zhang, P; Zhang, W; Zhao, H; Zhao, L; Zheng, W; Zoufir, A; Zucknick, M; AstraZeneca-Sanger, Drug Combination DREAM Consortium; Jang, IS; Ghazoui, Z; Ahsen, ME; Vogel, R; Neto, EC; Norman, T; Tang, EKY; Garnett, MJ; Veroli, GYD; Fawell, S; Stolovitzky, G; Guinney, J; Dry, JR; Saez-Rodriguez, J (2019)
    The effectiveness of most cancer targeted therapies is short-lived. Tumors often develop resistance that might be overcome with drug combinations. However, the number of possible combinations is vast, necessitating data-driven ...
  • Marx, Péter; Antal, Péter; Bolgár, Bence Márton; Bagdy, György; Deakin B; Juhász, Gabriella (2017)
    Comorbidity patterns have become a major source of information to explore shared mechanisms of pathogenesis between disorders. In hypothesis-free exploration of comorbid conditions, disease-disease networks are usually ...
  • Giebel S; Labopin M; Potter M; Poire X; Sengeloev H; Socie G; Huynh A; Afanasyev BV; Schanz U; Ringden O; Kalhs P; Beelen DW; Campos AM; Masszi, Tamás; Canaani J; Mohty M; Nagler A (2018)
    Background: Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) is considered a standard treatment for patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (Ph+ ALL) achieving complete ...
  • Kovács, Éva; Jónásné Sztruhár, Izabella; Mészáros, L; Gyombolai, Zsigmond; Simon, András; Farkas, V (2019)
  • Rausz Eszter Zsófia; Szilágyi Ágnes; Nedoszytko B; Lange M; Niedoszytko M; Lautner-Csorba Orsolya; Falus András; Aladzsity István; Kokai Márta; Valent P; Marschalkó Márta; Hidvégi Bernadett; Szakonyi József; Csomor Judit; Várkonyi Judit (2013)
    Mastocytosis is a rare disease with reported high interleukin-6 (IL6) levels influencing disease severity. The present study investigated polymorphisms within the genes that encode IL6 and its receptor (IL6R) in relation ...
  • Turóczi Enikő,; Veresné Bálint, Márta; Csajbók, Róbertné; Lichthammer, Adrienn; Szabolcs, István (2012)
  • Kursinszki, László; Kalász, Huba; Szőke, Éva; Adeghate, Ernest Akingunola; Hassan MY, (2011)
    Flavonoid composition of six different brands of Phoenix dactylifera L. date fruit (Lulu, Khalas, Khenaiz, Al-Medina, Razaiz, and Fardh) was identified, determined, and compared. The separation was done on a Zorbax Eclipse ...
  • Varga, Erzsébet; Benkovics, Gábor; Darcsi, András; Várnai, Bianka; Sohajda, Tamás; Malanga, Milo; Béni, Szabolcs (2019)
    The chiral separation ability of the full library of methylated-β-cyclodextrins towards pharmacologically significant racemic drugs including basic compounds was studied by chiral capillary electrophoresis. The syntheses ...
  • Bunford, Nóra; Raúl, Hernández-Pérez; Farkas, Eszter Borbála; Cuaya, Laura V; Szabó, Dóra; Szabó, Ádám György; Gácsi, Márta; Miklósi, Ádám; Andics, Attila (2020)
  • Kállai-Szabó, Nikolett; Luhn O,; Bernard J,; Kállai-Szabó, Barnabás; Zelkó, Romána; Antal, István (2014)
  • Bitter István; Katona L; Zambori J; Takacs P; Feher L; Lang Zsolt; Czobor Pál (2013)
    We conducted a nationwide, full-population based investigation to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of all marketed second generation antipsychotic drugs (SGA) prescribed for outpatients with the diagnosis of schizophrenia ...
  • Benmassaoud A; Al-Taweel T; Sasson MS; Moza D; Strohl M; Kopylov U; Paradis-Suprenant L; Almaimani M; Bitton A Afif W; Lakatos, Péter László; Bessissow T (2018)
    Direct head-to-head studies comparing the long-term outcomes of infliximab (IFX) to adalimumab (ADA) in Crohn's disease (CD) are sparse.
  • Takács P; Czobor, Pál; Fehér L; Gimesi-Országh J; Fadgyas-Freyler P; Bacskai M; Rakonczai P; Borsi A; Hegyi R; Németh T; Sermon J; Bitter, István (2019)
    Schizophrenia is a severe condition that affects approximately 1% of the population. Certain elements of antipsychotic treatment can only be examined in large population, thus the need for population-based real-world ...
  • Takács, Péter; Kunovszki, Péter; Timtschenko, Valeria; Fehér, László; Balázs, Tamás; Hegyi, Ramóna; Czobor, Pál; Bitter, István (2022)