Folyóiratcikkek tallózása szerző szerint "Medin E"

A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • Malmivaara A,; Meretoja A; Peltola M; Numerato D; Heijink R; Engelfriet P; Wild SH; Belicza, Éva; Bereczki, Dániel; Medin E; Goude F; Boncoraglio G; Tatlisumak T; Seppala T; Hakkinen U (2015)
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The incidence of hospitalizations, treatment and case fatality of ischaemic stroke were assessed utilizing a comprehensive multinational database to attempt to compare the healthcare systems in six ...
  • Medin E; Goude F; Melberg HO; Tediosi F; Belicza, Éva; Peltola M; Eurohope Study Group (2015)
    The objective of this study was to compare healthcare performance for the surgical treatment of hip fractures across and within Finland, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, and Sweden. Differences in ...
  • Häkkinen U; Iversen T; Peltola M; Seppälä TT; Malmivaara A; Belicza, Éva; Fattore G; Numerato D; Heijink R; Medin E; Rehnberg C (2013)
    This article describes the methodological challenges associated with disease-based international comparison of health system performance and how they have been addressed in the EuroHOPE (European Health Care Outcomes, ...