Folyóiratcikkek tallózása szerző szerint "Molekuláris Farmakológiai Intézet"

A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • Czimer, Dávid; Porok, Klaudia; Csete, Dániel; Gyüre, Zsolt; Lavró, Viktória; Fülöp, Krisztina; Chen, Zelin; Gyergyák, Hella; Tusnády, Gábor E.; Burgess, Shawn M.; Mócsai, Attila; Váradi, András; Varga, Máté (2021)
    Calcification of various tissues is a significant health issue associated with aging, cancer and autoimmune diseases. There are both environmental and genetic factors behind this phenomenon and understanding them is essential ...
  • Mózner, Orsolya; Bartos, Zsuzsa; Zámbó, Boglárka; Homolya, László; Hegedűs, Tamás; Sarkadi, Balázs (2019)
    The human ABCG2 is an important plasma membrane multidrug transporter, involved in uric acid secretion, modulation of absorption of drugs, and in drug resistance of cancer cells. Variants of the ABCG2 transporter, affecting ...
  • Biró, Orsolya; Fóthi Ábel; Alasztics, Bálint; Nagy, Bálint; Orbán, Tamás I.; Rigó, János (2019)
  • Merő Balázs; Radnai László; Gógl Gergő; Tőke Orsolya; Leveles Ibolya; Koprivanacz Kitti; Szeder Bálint; Dülk Metta; Kudlik Gyöngyi; Vas Virág; Cserkaszky Anna; Sipeki Szabolcs; Nyitray László; Vértessy Beáta G; Buday László (2019)
    Src homology 3 (SH3) domains bind proline-rich linear motifs in eukaryotes. By mediating inter- and intramolecular interactions, they regulate the functions of many proteins involved in a wide variety of signal transduction ...
  • Kardos, J; Heja, L; Jemnitz, K; Kovacs, R; Palkovits, Miklós (2017)
    Our present review is focusing on the uniqueness of balanced astroglial signaling. The balance of excitatory and inhibitory signaling within the CNS is mainly determined by sharp synaptic transients of excitatory ...