Folyóiratcikkek tallózása szerző szerint "Nothen MM"

A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • Steinberg S; de Jong S; Mattheisen M; Costas J; Demontis D; Jamain S; Pietilainen OP; Lin K; Papiol S; Huttenlocher J; Sigurdsson E; Vassos E; Giegling I; Breuer R; Fraser G; Walker N; Melle I; Djurovic S; Agartz I; Tuulio-Henriksson A; Suvisaari J; Lonnqvist J; Paunio T; Olsen L; Hansen T; Ingason A; Pirinen M; Strengman E; Hougaard DM; Orntoft T; Didriksen M; Hollegaard MV; Nordentoft M; Abramova L; Kaleda V; Arrojo M; Sanjuan J; Arango C; Etain B; Bellivier F; Meary A; Schurhoff F; Szoke A; Ribolsi M; Magni V; Siracusano A; Sperling S; Rossner M; Christiansen C; Kiemeney LA; Franke B; van den Berg LH; Veldink J; Curran S; Bolton P; Poot M; Staal W; Rehnstrom K; Kilpinen H; Freitag CM; Meyer J; Magnusson P; Saemundsen E; Martsenkovsky I; Bikshaieva I; Martsenkovska I; Vashchenko O; Raleva M; Paketchieva K; Stefanovski B; Durmishi N; Pejovic Milovancevic M; Lecic Tosevski D; Silagadze T; Naneishvili N; Mikeladze N; Surguladze S; Vincent JB; Farmer A; Mitchell PB; Wright A; Schofield PR; Fullerton JM; Montgomery GW; Martin NG; Rubino IA; van Winkel R; Kenis G; De Hert M; Réthelyi, János; Bitter, István; Terenius L; Jonsson EG; Bakker S; van Os J; Jablensky A; Leboyer M; Bramon E; Powell J; Murray R; Corvin A; Gill M; Morris D; O'Neill FA; Kendler K; Riley B; Craddock N; Owen MJ; O'Donovan MC; Thorsteinsdottir U; Kong A; Ehrenreich H; Carracedo A; Golimbet V; Andreassen OA; Borglum AD; Mors O; Mortensen PB; Werge T; Ophoff RA; Nothen MM; Rietschel M; Cichon S; Ruggeri M; Tosato S; Palotie A; St Clair D; Rujescu D; Collier DA; Stefansson H; Stefansson K (2014)
    Epidemiological and genetic data support the notion that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder share genetic risk factors. In our previous genome-wide association study, meta-analysis and follow-up (totaling as many as 18 206 ...
  • Huang AY; Yu D; Davis LK; Sul JH; Tsetsos F; Ramensky V; Zelaya I; Ramos EM; Osiecki L; Chen JA; McGrath LM; Illmann C; Sandor P; Barr CL; Grados M; Singer HS; Nothen MM; Hebebrand J; King RA; Dion Y; Rouleau G; Budman CL; Depienne C; Worbe Y; Hartmann A; Muller-Vahl KR; Stuhrmann M; Aschauer H; Stamenkovic M; Schloegelhofer M; Konstantinidis A; Lyon GJ; McMahon WM; Barta, Csaba; Tárnok, Zsanett; Nagy, Péter; Batterson JR; Rizzo R; Cath DC; Wolanczyk T; Berlin C; Malaty IA; Okun MS; Woods DW; Rees E; Pato CN; Pato MT; Knowles JA; Posthuma D; Pauls DL; Cox NJ; Neale BM; Freimer NB; Paschou P; Mathews CA; Scharf JM; Coppola G; Tourette Syndrome Association International Consortium for Genetics (TSAICG); Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome GWAS Replication Initiative (GGRI) (2017)
    Tourette syndrome (TS) is a model neuropsychiatric disorder thought to arise from abnormal development and/or maintenance of cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits. TS is highly heritable, but its underlying genetic ...