Folyóiratcikkek tallózása szerző szerint "Szirmai, Imre"

A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • Kovacs, Andrea; Kiss, Mate; Pinter, Nandor; Szirmai, Imre; Kamondi, Anita (2019)
    It is a clinical experience that acute lesions of the cerebellum induce pathological tremor, which tends to improve. However, quantitative characteristics, imaging correlates, and recovery of cerebellar tremor have not ...
  • Pulvinar 
    Szirmai, Imre (2013)
    The pulvinar is the largest nucleus of the thalamus. Its lateral and inferior areas have rich connections with the visual- and dorsolateral parietal cortices. Several cells in the medial and upper area connect the anterior ...