Folyóiratcikkek tallózása szerző szerint "Tar A"

A találatok rendezése: Rendezés: Találatok:

  • David A; Butz, Henriett; Halász, Zita; Török, Dóra; Nyírő, Gábor; Muzsnai A; Csakvary V; Luczay, Andrea; Sallai, Ágnes; Hosszú, Éva; Felszeghy E; Tar A; Szanto Z; Fekete GL; Kun I; Patocs, Attila; Bertalan R (2017)
    INTRODUCTION: The isolated haploinsufficiency of the SHOX gene is one of the most common cause of short stature determined by monogenic mutations. The heterozygous deviation of the gene can be detected in 2-15% of patients ...
  • Bashamboo A; Eozenou C; Jorgensen A; Bignon-Topalovic J; Siffroi JP; Hyon C; Tar A; Nagy P; Solyom J; Halász, Zita; Paye-Jaouen A; Lambert S; Rodriguez-Buritica D; Bertalan R; Martinerie L; Rajpert-De Meyts E; Achermann JC; McElreavey K (2018)
    Emerging evidence from murine studies suggests that mammalian sex determination is the outcome of an imbalance between mutually antagonistic male and female regulatory networks that canalize development down one pathway ...