Egyszerű nézet Otero, H Joel Lizák, Beáta Feige, J Matthias Hendershot, Linda 2016-08-23T06:34:52Z 2016-08-23T06:34:52Z 2014
dc.identifier 84907486840
dc.identifier.citation pagination=27504-27512; journalVolume=289; journalIssueNumber=40; journalTitle=JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1074/jbc.M114.587147
dc.description.abstract ERdj3, a mammalian endoplasmic reticulum (ER)3 Hsp40/DnaJ family member, binds unfolded proteins, transfers them to BiP, and concomitantly stimulates BiP ATPase activity. However the requirements for ERdj3 binding to and release from substrates in cells are not well understood. We found that ERdj3 homodimers that cannot stimulate the ATPase activity of BiP ATPase (QPD mutants) bound to unfolded ER proteins under steady state conditions in much greater amounts than wild-type ERdj3. This was due to reduced release from these substrates as opposed to enhanced binding, although in both cases dimerization was strickly requireed for substrate binding. Conversely, heterodimers consisting of one wild-type and one mutant ERdj3 subunit bound substrates at levels comparable to wild-type ERdj3 homodimers demonstrating that release requires only one protomer to be functional in stimulating BiP ATPase activity. Co-expressing wild-type ERdj3 and a QPD mutant, which each exclusively formed homodimers, revealed that the release rate of wild-type ERdj3 varied according to the relative half-lives of substrates, suggesting ERdj3 release is an important step in degradation of unfolded ER proteins. Furthermore, pulse-chase experiments revealed that the binding of QPD mutant homodimers remained constant as opposed to increasing, suggesting that ERdj3 does not normally undergo reiterative binding cycles with substrates.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0021-9258
dc.title Dissection of structural and functional requirements that underlie the interaction of ERdj3 protein with substrates in the endoplasmic reticulum
dc.type Journal Article 2015-11-25T15:41:36Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 2724216
dc.identifier.pubmed 25143379

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