Egyszerű nézet Murányi, József Gyulavári, Pál Varga, Attila Bökönyi G, Tanai H, Vántus, Tibor Ludányi, Krisztina Mező, Gábor Kéri, György 2016-11-16T17:52:16Z 2016-11-16T17:52:16Z 2016
dc.identifier 84979037359
dc.identifier.citation pagination=552-560; journalVolume=22; journalTitle=JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1002/psc.2904
dc.description.abstract Targeted tumour therapy is the focus of recent cancer research. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues are able to deliver anticancer agents selectively into tumour cells, which highly express GnRH receptors. However, the effectiveness of different analogues as targeting moiety in drug delivery systems is rarely compared, and the investigated types of cancer are also limited. Therefore, we prepared selectively labelled, fluorescent derivatives of GnRH-I, -II and -III analogues, which were successfully used for drug targeting. In this manuscript, we investigated these analogues' solubility, stability and passive membrane permeability and compared their cellular uptake by various cancer cells. We found that these labelled GnRH conjugates provide great detectability, without undesired cytotoxicity and passive membrane permeability. The introduced experiments with these conjugates proved their reliable tracking, quantification and comparison. Cellular uptake efficiency was studied on human breast, colon, pancreas and prostate cancer cells (MCF-7, HT-29, BxPC-3, LNCaP) and on dog kidney cells (Madin–Darby canine kidney). Each of the three conjugates was taken up by GnRH-I receptor-expressing cells, but the different cells preferred different analogues. Furthermore, we demonstrated for the first time the high cell surface expression of GnRH-I receptors and the effective cellular uptake of GnRH analogues on human pharynx tumour (Detroit-562) cells. In summary, our presented results detail that the introduced conjugates could be innovative tools for the examination of the GnRH-based drug delivery systems on various cells and offer novel information about these peptides. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:1075-2617
dc.title Synthesis, characterization and systematic comparison of FITC-labelled GnRH-I, -II and -III analogues on various tumour cells
dc.type Journal Article 2016-11-16T17:44:12Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 3098288
dc.identifier.wos 000383467100008
dc.identifier.pubmed 27443981

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