Egyszerű nézet Romics, Miklós Tasnadi G Sulya B Kiss, András Pál Merksz , Miklós Nyirády, Péter 2017-01-06T10:46:09Z 2017-01-06T10:46:09Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation pagination=1171-1175; journalVolume=48; journalIssueNumber=11; journalTitle=INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1007/s11255-016-1365-1
dc.description.abstract OBJECTIVES: To collect and review the diagnostic and therapeutic solutions for primary and congenital lymphovascular malformations leading to urological symptoms in childhood and also to find the most efficient therapeutic algorithms managing such conditions. METHODS: In our work, we assemble all the diagnostic and therapeutic tools for lymphovascular malformations with urological-urogenital symptoms and demonstrate the interventional therapeutic algorithms through two of our cases where surgery (laparoscopic intervention and clipping of the lymph vessel) had to be performed to stop lymphoid leakage and restore anatomy. RESULTS: In cases, where lymphovascular malformations and urological-urogenital symptoms are both present, therapeutical success is graded by Browse's scoring system. According to that, our choices of management achieved the best possible outcome in both cases below. CONCLUSIONS: Although conservative ways of therapy are known and widely used, in more advanced cases surgical help is often needed to reach long-term improvement. In situations where significant mass of chyle has accumulated causing severe complaints, conservative therapy should not to be started. Surgical solutions provide fast and lasting improvement for patients suffering from congenital lymphovascular malformations.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0301-1623
dc.title Congenital lymphovascular malformations with urological symptoms: a report of two cases and review of the literature.
dc.type Journal Article 2016-11-29T12:31:40Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 3095483
dc.identifier.pubmed 27421286
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/K/Urológiai Klinika
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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