Egyszerű nézet Gell, Gyöngyvér Mónika Kovács, Krisztina Veres, Gábor Korponay-Szabó, Ilma Rita Juhász, Angéla 2017-01-05T15:41:15Z 2017-01-05T15:41:15Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation pagination=39876, pages 10; journalVolume=7; journalTitle=SCIENTIFIC REPORTS;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1038/srep39876
dc.description.abstract Brachypodium distachyon, a small annual grass with seed storage globulins as primary protein reserves was used in our study to analyse the toxic nature of non-prolamin seed storage proteins related to celiac disease. The main storage proteins of B. distachyon are the 7S globulin type proteins and the 11S, 12S seed storage globulins similar to oat and rice. Immunoblot analyses using serum samples from celiac disease patients were carried out followed by the identification of immune-responsive proteins using mass spectrometry. Serum samples from celiac patients on a gluten-free diet, from patients with Crohn's disease and healthy subjects, were used as controls. The identified proteins with intense serum-IgA reactivity belong to the 7S and 11-12S seed globulin family. Structure prediction and epitope predictions analyses confirmed the presence of celiac disease-related linear B cell epitope homologs and the presence of peptide regions with strong HLA-DQ8 and DQ2 binding capabilities. These results highlight that both MHC-II presentation and B cell response may be developed not only to prolamins but also to seed storage globulins. This is the first study of the non-prolamin type seed storage proteins of Brachypodium from the aspect of the celiac disease.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:2045-2322
dc.title Characterization of globulin storage proteins of a low prolamin cereal species in relation to celiac disease
dc.type Journal Article 2017-01-05T08:01:47Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 3161091
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/K/I. Sz. Gyermekgyógyászati Klinika
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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