Egyszerű nézet Végh, Dániel Somogyi A Bányai, Dorottya Lakatos, Marcell Balogh, Mihály Al-Khrasani, Mahmoud Furst S Vizi E, Szilveszter Hermann, Péter 2018-04-14T13:50:51Z 2018-04-14T13:50:51Z 2017
dc.identifier 85032866848
dc.identifier.citation pagination=157-162; journalVolume=135; journalTitle=BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1016/j.brainresbull.2017.10.011
dc.description.abstract Since a significant proportion of diabetic patients have clinical or subclinical neuropathy, there may be concerns about the use of local anaesthetics. The present study was designed to determine and compare the effects of articaine, a widely used anaesthetic in dental practice, and lidocaine on the resting and axonal stimulation-evoked release of [3H]noradrenaline ([3H]NA) in prefrontal cortex slices and the release of [3H]NA in spinal cord slices prepared from non-diabetic and streptozocin (STZ)-induced diabetic (glucose level=22.03+/-2.31mmol/l) rats. The peak of allodynia was achieved 9 weeks after STZ-treatment. Articaine and lidocaine inhibited the stimulation-evoked release in a concentration-dependent manner and increased the resting release by two to six times. These effects indicate an inhibitory action of these anaesthetics on Na+- and K+-channels. There was no difference in clinically important nerve conduction between non-diabetic and diabetic rats, as measured by the release of transmitter in response to axonal stimulation. The uptake and resting release of NA was significantly higher in the brain slices prepared from diabetic rats, but there were no differences in the spinal cord. For the adverse effects, the effects of articaine on K+ channels (resting release) are more pronounced compared to lidocaine. In this respect, articaine has a thiophene ring with high lipid solubility, which may present potential risks for some patients.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0361-9230
dc.title Effects of articaine on [3H]noradrenaline release from cortical and spinal cord slices prepared from normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and compared to lidocaine.
dc.type Journal Article 2018-02-08T13:08:58Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 3282721
dc.identifier.wos 000418312000020
dc.identifier.pubmed 29054696
dc.contributor.department SE/FOK/Fogpótlástani Klinika
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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