Egyszerű nézet Bartykowszki, Andrea Kolossváry, Márton József Jermendy, Ádám Levente Karády, Júlia Szilveszter, Bálint Károlyi, Mihály Balogh, Orsolya Sax, Balázs Merkely, Béla Péter Maurovich-Horvat, Pál 2020-04-03T11:25:15Z 2020-04-03T11:25:15Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation pagination=314-329; journalVolume=210; journalIssueNumber=2; journalTitle=AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.2214/AJR.17.18546
dc.description.abstract OBJECTIVE: Cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) is among the top causes of death 1 year after heart transplantation (HTx). Coronary CT angiography (CTA) is a potential alternative to invasive imaging in the diagnosis of CAV. However, the higher heart rate (HR) of HTx recipients prompts the use of retrospective ECG-gating, which is associated with higher radiation dose, a major concern in this patient population. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the feasibility and image quality of low-radiation-dose prospectively ECG-triggered coronary CTA in HTx recipients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In total, 1270 coronary segments were evaluated in 50 HTx recipients and 50 matched control subjects who did not undergo HTx. The control subjects were selected from our clinical database and were matched for age, sex, body mass index, HR, and coronary dominance. Scans were performed using 256-MDCT with prospective ECG-triggering. The degree of motion artifacts was evaluated on a per-segment basis on a 4-point Likert-type scale. RESULTS: The median HR was 74.0 beats/min (interquartile range [IQR], 67.8-79.3 beats/min) in the HTx group and 73.0 beats/min (IQR, 68.5-80.0 beats/min) in the matched control group (p = 0.58). In the HTx group, more segments had diagnostic image quality compared with the control group (624/662 [94.3%] vs 504/608 [82.9%]; p < 0.001). The mean effective radiation dose was low in both groups (3.7 mSv [IQR, 2.4-4.3 mSv] in the HTx group vs 4.3 mSv [IQR, 2.6-4.3 mSv] in the control group; p = 0.24). CONCLUSION: Prospectively ECG-triggered coronary CTA examinations of HTx recipients yielded diagnostic image quality with low radiation dose. Coronary CTA is a promising noninvasive alternative to routine catheterization during follow-up of HTx recipients to diagnose CAV.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0361-803X
dc.title Image Quality of Prospectively ECG-Triggered Coronary CT Angiography in Heart Transplant Recipients
dc.type Journal Article 2018-03-21T08:54:57Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 3287462
dc.identifier.wos 000423108800021
dc.identifier.pubmed 29091000
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/K/Városmajori Szív- és Érgyógyászati Klinika
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/K/VAROSMAJOR_SZÍVÉRGYÓGY/KARDI KZP_KARDIO-T/MTA-SE Lendület Kardiovaszkuláris Képalkotó Kutatócsoport
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem
dc.mtmt.swordnote Merkely B and Maurovich-Horvat P contributed equally to this manuscript.

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