Egyszerű nézet Ribiczey P Papp B Homolya, László Enyedi, Ágnes Kovács, Tünde 2018-06-11T07:58:10Z 2018-06-11T07:58:10Z 2015
dc.identifier 84937632972
dc.identifier.citation pagination=189-194; journalIssueNumber=1; journalVolume=464; journalTitle=BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.06.113
dc.description.abstract We have previously presented co-expression of the plasma membrane calcium ATPase isoforms 4b (PMCA4b) and 1b (PMCA1b) in colon carcinoma cells, and selective upregulation of PMCA4b during differentiation initiated by short chain fatty acids or post-confluent growth. Here we show that the induction of PMCA4b expression is a characteristic feature of the post-confluency-induced differentiation of both enterocyte-type and goblet cell-type colon cancer cells. Vitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) is a well-known regulator of intestinal Ca2+ absorption and of basic cell functions such as growth and differentiation in various cell types. As PMCA proteins are involved both in intestinal Ca2+ absorption and adenocarcinoma cell differentiation, we investigated the effect of 1,25(OH)2D3 on PMCA expression in enterocyte-like colon carcinoma cells, and monitored its effect on the expression of various differentiation markers. 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulated PMCA1b, but not PMCA4b expression without modulating the expression of the majority of the differentiation markers examined. Caco-2 cells differentiated in post-confluent cultures present normal enterocyte-like intestinal epithelial phenotype. To better understand the role of PMCA proteins in vectorial Ca2+ transport by enterocytes, we also studied their subcellular localization in mature polarized Caco-2 cells. Both PMCA isoforms were located to the basolateral membrane, and the PMCA-specific immunofluorescent signal was significantly higher in vitamin D3-treated cells, underlining the 1,25(OH)2D3-induced upregulation of PMCA (presumably 1b isoform) expression in differentiated Caco-2 cells. We suggest that while PMCA1b has a housekeeping function in colon cancer cells, PMCA4b participates in the reorganization of the Ca2+ signalling machinery during cell differentiation. The subcellular localization of PMCA1b and its selective 1,25(OH)2D3-dependent upregulation indicate that this isoform may have a specific role in 1,25(OH)2D3-stimulated intestinal Ca2+ absorption.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0006-291X
dc.title Selective upregulation of the expression of plasma membrane calcium ATPase isoforms upon differentiation and 1,25(OH)D-vitamin treatment of colon cancer cells
dc.type Journal Article 2018-06-07T08:52:33Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 2915392
dc.identifier.wos 000359173200030
dc.identifier.pubmed 26116539
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/Orvosi Biokémiai Intézet
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/II. Sz. Patológiai Intézet
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/IISZPI/MTA-SE Molekuláris Onkológia Kutatócsoport
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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