Egyszerű nézet Gaal A, Orgován, Gábor Polgári, Zsófia Réti, Andrea Mihucz, Viktor Gábor Bősze, Szilvia Szoboszlai, Norbert 2014-11-24T19:39:02Z 2014-11-24T19:39:02Z 2014
dc.identifier 84886121295
dc.identifier.citation pagination=52-58; journalVolume=130; journalTitle=JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2013.09.016
dc.description.abstract Di-2-pyridylketone-4,4,-dimethyl-3-thiosemicarbazone (Dp44mT) is a potential candidate in chelation therapy as an iron chelator. This study showed that a combined treatment with 2muM easily available Fe(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) each and 5muM Dp44mT on eight different cancer cell lines resulted in a 10-40-fold increase in the intracellular Cu content compared to control samples. The uptake of Cu and Cu-dependent cytotoxicity strictly depend on the Cu concentration of the culture medium. Even as low concentration of Dp44mT as 0.1muM can transport high amounts of copper inside the cells. The Cu accumulation and toxicity through Dp44mT can hardly be influenced by Fe. Copper uptake and toxicity triggered by 2muM extracellular Cu(II) and 5muM Dp44mT could not be influenced by Fe(II) extracellular concentrations even 50-times higher than that of Cu(II). A 50-times higher Co(II) extracellular concentration hindered the Cu(II) uptake almost completely and a 10-times higher Co(II) concentration already decreased the Dp44mT-mediated Cu toxicity. Conditional complex stability constant determinations for Dp44mT with Cu(II), Co(II), Fe(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) revealed that the metal-to-ligand ratio is 1:1 in [Cu(II)Dp44mT] complex, while for Co(II), Fe(II) and Ni(II) is 1:2. The highest stability constant was obtained for Cu(II) (lg beta=7.08+/-0.05) and Co(II) (lg beta2=12.47+/-0.07). According to our results, Dp44mT in combination with Cu is highly toxic in vitro. Therefore, the use of Dp44mT as an iron chelator is limited if biologically available Cu is also present even at low concentrations.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0162-0134
dc.title Complex forming competition and in-vitro toxicity studies on the applicability of di-2-pyridylketone-4,4,-dimethyl-3-thiosemicarbazone (Dp44mT) as a metal chelator.
dc.type Journal Article 2014-11-24T19:37:33Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 2452584
dc.identifier.wos 000328313200006
dc.identifier.pubmed 24176919
dc.contributor.department ELTE/ELTE TTK/ELTE TTK KI/ELTE TTK KI xx Környezetkémiai és Bioanalitikai Laboratórium (KBL)
dc.contributor.department ELTE/ELTE TTK/ELTE TTK KI/ELTE TTK KI Analitikai Kémiai Tanszék
dc.contributor.institution Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem

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