Egyszerű nézet Schay, Gusztáv Kaposi, András Dezső Smeller, László Szigeti, Krisztián Fidy, Judit Herényi, Levente 2018-09-17T07:33:21Z 2018-09-17T07:33:21Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation pagination=e0194994, pages: 20; journalVolume=13; journalIssueNumber=3; journalTitle=PLOS ONE;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0194994
dc.description.abstract The general question by what mechanism an "effector" molecule and the hemes of hemoglobin interact over widely separated intramolecular distances to change the oxygen affinity has been extensively investigated, and still has remained of central interest. In the present work we were interested in clarifying the general role of the protein matrix and its dynamics in the regulation of human adult hemoglobin (HbA). We used a spectroscopy approach that yields the compressibility (kappa) of the protein matrix around the hemes of the subunits in HbA and studied how the binding of heterotropic allosteric effectors modify this parameter. kappa is directly related to the variance of volume fluctuation, therefore it characterizes the molecular dynamics of the protein structure. For the experiments the heme groups either in the alpha or in the beta subunits of HbA were replaced by fluorescent Zn-protoporphyrinIX, and series of fluorescence line narrowed spectra were measured at varied pressures. The evaluation of the spectra yielded the compressibility that showed significant dynamic asymmetry between the subunits: kappa of the alpha subunit was 0.17+/-0.05/GPa, while for the beta subunit it was much higher, 0.36+/-0.07/GPa. The heterotropic effectors, chloride ions, inositol hexaphosphate and bezafibrate did not cause significant changes in kappa of the alpha subunits, while in the beta subunits the effectors lead to a significant reduction down to 0.15+/-0.04/GPa. We relate our results to structural data, to results of recent functional studies and to those of molecular dynamics simulations, and find good agreements. The observed asymmetry in the flexibility suggests a distinct role of the subunits in the regulation of Hb that results in the observed changes of the oxygen binding capability.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:1932-6203
dc.title Dissimilar flexibility of alpha and beta subunits of human adult hemoglobin influences the protein dynamics and its alteration induced by allosteric effectors
dc.type Journal Article 2018-07-20T06:40:50Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 3371883
dc.identifier.wos WOS:000428373000053
dc.identifier.pubmed 29584765
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/I/Biofizikai és Sugárbiológiai Intézet
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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