Egyszerű nézet Rostás, Ildikó Pótó, László Mátrai, Péter Hegyi, Péter Tenk, Judit Garami, András Illés, Anita Szekeres-Solymár, Margit Rittmann-né Pétervári, Erika Szűcs, Ákos Párniczky, Andrea Pécsi, Dániel Rumbus, Zoltán Zsiboras C Füredi, Nóra Balaskó, Márta 2018-09-17T06:43:50Z 2018-09-17T06:43:50Z 2017
dc.identifier 85027503621
dc.identifier.citation pagination=e0182801, pages: 23; journalVolume=12; journalIssueNumber=8; journalTitle=PLOS ONE;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0182801
dc.description.abstract BACKGROUND: Leptin is one of the major adipokines in obesity that indicates the severity of fat accumulation. It is also an important etiological factor of consequent cardiometabolic and autoimmune disorders. Aging has been demonstrated to aggravate obesity and to induce leptin resistance and hyperleptinemia. Hyperleptinemia, on the other hand, may promote the development of age-related abnormalities. While major weight loss has been demonstrated to ameliorate hyperleptinemia, obese people show a poor tendency to achieve lasting success in this field. The question arises whether training intervention per se is able to reduce the level of this adipokine. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to review the literature on the effects of training intervention on peripheral leptin level in obesity during aging, in order to evaluate the independent efficacy of this method. In the studies that were included in our analysis, changes of adiponectin levels (when present) were also evaluated. DATA SOURCES: 3481 records were identified through searching of PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library Database. Altogether 19 articles were suitable for analyses. STUDY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Empirical research papers were eligible provided that they reported data of middle-aged or older (above 45 years of age) overweight or obese (body mass index above 25) individuals and included physical training intervention or at least fitness status of groups together with corresponding blood leptin values. STATISTICAL METHODS: We used random effect models in each of the meta-analyses calculating with the DerSimonian and Laird weighting methods. I-squared indicator and Q test were performed to assess heterogeneity. To assess publication bias Egger's test was applied. In case of significant publication bias, the Duval and Tweedie's trim and fill algorithm was used. RESULTS: Training intervention leads to a decrease in leptin level of middle-aged or older, overweight or obese male and female groups, even without major weight loss, indicated by unchanged serum adiponectin levels. Resistance training appears to be more efficient in reducing blood leptin level than aerobic training alone. CONCLUSIONS: Physical training, especially resistance training successfully reduces hyperleptinemia even without diet or major weight loss.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:1932-6203
dc.title In middle-aged and old obese patients, training intervention reduces leptin level: A meta-analysis
dc.type Journal Article 2018-07-20T06:48:15Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 3255861
dc.identifier.wos 000407550500026
dc.identifier.pubmed 28809927
dc.contributor.department SZTE/ÁOK/I.BelK/MTA-SZTE Lendület Gasztroenterológiai Multidiszciplináris Kutatócsoport
dc.contributor.department SE/AOK/K/I. Sz. Sebészeti Klinika
dc.contributor.institution Szegedi Tudományegyetem
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem

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