Egyszerű nézet Fazekas, Réka Molnár, Eszter Lohinai, Zsolt Dinya, Elek Tóth, Zsuzsanna Windisch, Péter Vág, János 2018-10-09T11:50:26Z 2018-10-09T11:50:26Z 2018
dc.identifier 85045399783
dc.identifier.citation pagination=e12446, pages 11; journalVolume=25; journalIssueNumber=3; journalTitle=MICROCIRCULATION;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1111/micc.12446
dc.description.abstract Abstract Objective The rate of blood flow between the various areas of the gingiva in resting position and under challenge is unknown. In this study, the LSCI method was used to map spatial and temporal changes in gingival blood flow after transient compression. Methods Horizontal, vertical, and papilla base compressions were applied on the attached gingiva in 21 healthy patients (13 women, 8 men). LSCI was used to determine dynamic changes in regional blood flow during a five?second occlusion interval and subsequent reperfusion for twenty minutes. Results Resting blood flow in the attached gingiva apical to the papillae was higher as compared to that in the midbuccal area of the teeth. During short?term horizontal compression, ischemia was greater coronal than apical to the occlusion line. Postocclusive hyperemia was observed not only in the regions affected by ischemia but encompassed a wider area. Hyperemic response was more pronounced and prolonged in male than in female patients. Conclusions Blood flow in the attached gingiva shows spatial differences. Our findings corroborate the apicocoronal orientation of blood circulation. Periodontal and papillary collaterals may have little role in the blood supply of the adjacent attached gingiva under physiological conditions.
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:1073-9688
dc.title Functional characterization of collaterals in the human gingiva by laser speckle contrast imaging
dc.type Journal Article 2018-08-30T12:08:15Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.identifier.mtmt 3359873
dc.identifier.wos WOS:000429717300008
dc.identifier.pubmed 29457306

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