dc.contributor.author |
Szegedi Márta |
dc.contributor.author |
Kosztolányi György |
dc.contributor.author |
Boncz Imre |
dc.contributor.author |
Molnár Mária Judit |
dc.date.accessioned |
2022-04-08T08:16:45Z |
dc.date.available |
2022-04-08T08:16:45Z |
dc.date.issued |
2016 |
dc.identifier |
84960172402 |
dc.identifier.citation |
journalVolume=69;journalIssueNumber=1-2;journalTitle=IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE / CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE;pagerange=37-45;journalAbbreviatedTitle=IDEGGYOGY SZEMLE; |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://repo.lib.semmelweis.hu//handle/123456789/6930 |
dc.identifier.uri |
doi:10.18071/isz.69.0037 |
dc.description.abstract |
Objectives – Nervous system involvement is expected up to 60-70% in case of rare diseases. This article aims to present the financial methods and expenditures of rare neurological diseases’ orphan medicinal products being financed in the frame of Hungarian social insurance system in 2012. Methods – The subsidized orphan medicines were selected on the Orphanet portal 2012 while orphans financed by compessionate use were provided by the Hungarian National Insurance Fund Administration (OEP) database. Three products exist without orphan designation, however those are intended for the treatment of rare neurological ailments. The medicines were categorized by financial methods and determined by costs. Results – Numerically, out of 36 pieces of subsidized orphan or orphan criteria fulfilled medicines 17 were authorized for the treatments of rare neurological diseases in the year of 2012. Most of the drugs (14 pieces) were to be financed in the frame of compassionate use by the reimbursement system. The cost amount of social insurance for 387 rare neurological disease patients reached more than 4.5 billion HUF (1.4% of the total pharmaceutical budget in outpatient care). Conclusions – In Hungary half of the subsidized orphans are intended for the treatments of rare neurological ailments. 30% of the total amount of social insurance for rare diseases’ medicinal treatments were used to subsidizing rare neurological disease patients in 2012. Most of the orphan medicines were to be financed in the frame of compassionate use by the reimbursement system for outpatient care. Consequently, a great deal of crucial problems occurred in relation with the unconventional subsidizing method. At the end of 2012 new financial methods have been elaborated and introduced in a pilot phase from 1 January 2013. In spite of the high cost commitment, nearly the entire diagnosed rare disease subpopulation have been provided with subsidized treatments in Hungary. In order to facilitate the acces to orphan medicines, collaboration shall be achieved by financing authority and professionals for identificating the descently sustainable, affordable and viable financial method. |
dc.format.extent |
37-45 |
dc.relation.ispartof |
0019-1442 |
dc.title |
Ritka idegrendszeri betegségek kezelésére szolgáló gyógyszerek támogatása. Árva gyógyszerek ritka neurológiai kórképekben |
dc.type |
Journal Article |
dc.date.updated |
2019-03-31T11:04:44Z |
dc.language.rfc3066 |
hu |
dc.rights.holder |
dc.identifier.mtmt |
3019425 |
dc.identifier.wos |
000369198600005 |
dc.contributor.institution |
Egészség-gazdaságtani, Egészségpolitikai és Egészségügyi Menedzsment Tanszék |
dc.contributor.institution |
Egészségbiztosítási Intézet |
dc.contributor.institution |
Klinikai genetikai és genomikai kutatócsoport |
dc.contributor.institution |
MTA-PTE Klinikai Genetikai Kutatócsoport (2006 végéig működött) |
dc.contributor.institution |
Egészségtudományi Doktori Iskola |
dc.contributor.institution |
Neurológiai Klinika |
dc.contributor.institution |
Genomikai Medicina és Ritka Betegségek Intézete |
dc.contributor.institution |
Orvosi Genetikai Intézet |
dc.mtmt.swordnote |
TT: [Financing of medicines for treatment of rare diseases of the nervous system. Orphan drugs in rare neurological diseases]
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