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dc.contributor.advisor Bock, I Nemeth, K Pentelényi, Klára Balicza, Péter Balazs, A Molnár, Mária Judit Roman, V Nagy, J Levay, G Kobolak, J Dinnyes, A 2022-04-12T13:13:45Z 2022-04-12T13:13:45Z 2016
dc.identifier 84996598240
dc.identifier.citation journalVolume=595;journalIssueNumber=2;journalTitle=GENE;pagerange=131-141;journalAbbreviatedTitle=GENE;
dc.identifier.uri doi:10.1016/j.gene.2016.09.027
dc.description.abstract Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder with unknown genetic and environmental causation in most of the affected individuals. On the other hand, there are a growing number of ASD-associated syndromes, where the exact genetic origin can be revealed. Here we report a method, which included the targeted next generation sequencing (NGS) and filtering of 101 ASD associated genes, followed by database search. Next, RNA sequencing was used to study the region of interest at the transcriptional level. Using this workflow, we identified a de novo mutation in the euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 1 gene (EHMT1) of an autistic patient with dysmorphisms. Sequencing of EHMT1 transcripts showed that the premature termination codon (Trp1138Ter) created by a single nucleotide change elicited nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, which led to haploinsufficiency already at the transcriptional level. Database and literature search provided evidence that this mutation caused Kleefstra syndrome (KS), which was confirmed by the presence of the disorder-specific phenotype in the patient. We provide a proof of principle that the implemented method is capable to elucidate the genetic etiology of individuals with syndromic autism. The novel mutation detected in the EHMT1 gene is responsible for KS's symptoms. In addition, further genetic factors might be involved in the ASD pathogenesis of the patient including a missense DPP6 mutation (Arg322Cys), which segregated with the autistic phenotype within the family.
dc.format.extent 131-141
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0378-1119
dc.title Targeted next generation sequencing of a panel of autism-related genes identifies an EHMT1 mutation in a Kleefstra syndrome patient with autism and normal intellectual performance.
dc.type Journal Article 2019-07-30T06:27:50Z
dc.language.rfc3066 en
dc.rights.holder NULL
dc.identifier.mtmt 3120870
dc.identifier.wos 000388778500001
dc.identifier.pubmed 27651234
dc.contributor.institution Doktori Iskola
dc.contributor.institution Morfológiai és Fiziológiai Tanszék
dc.contributor.institution Állattudományi Alapok Intézet
dc.contributor.institution Egészségtudományi Kar
dc.contributor.institution Neurológiai Klinika
dc.contributor.institution MTA-SZIE Alkalmazott Állatgenetikai és Biotechológiai Kutatócsoport (2002-2006-ig: MTA-SZIE Állatnemesítési Kutatócsoport, 2006 végéig működött)
dc.contributor.institution MTMT Központi kezelésű szerzők
dc.contributor.institution Genomikai Medicina és Ritka Betegségek Intézete

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