Egyszerű nézet Markovits, Julia Nyulászi, Anna Réthelyi, János 2023-12-06T10:11:25Z 2023-12-06T10:11:25Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation journalVolume=38;journalIssueNumber=3;journalTitle=PSYCHIATRIA HUNGARICA;pagerange=260-266;journalAbbreviatedTitle=PSYCHIATRIA HUNG;
dc.description.abstract In recent years there has been a shift in the long-term treatment of patients living with schizophrenia, the institutional focus being increasingly replaced by outpatient and community-based interventions. Relatives of patients with schizophrenia play a key role in treatment, greatly assisting the monitoring of patients' condition and facilitating their involvement in long-term care. The challenges associated with the varied symptoms of schizophrenia place an increased burden on family members, including psychological distress often accompanied by a deterioration in quality of life. In this context, the literature and international protocols highlight the need for interventions involving the patients' family, which in most cases focus on psychoeducation and development of communication skills. At the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Semmelweis University, we have initiated and organized psychoeducational support groups for relatives of patients living with schizophrenia since August 2019. The first half of the 10-session training focuses on providing information about the disease, therapeutic options, and relapse prevention, reflecting on the family members' own experiences. In the second half of the training, we focus on the psychological difficulties that family members face in their daily lives, such as stress management and communication problems within the family, stigmatization and decreased self-care. In this article besides summarizing the literature, we present the structure of the training for relatives and our experiences with the process of the groups, including our future plans and possibilities for improvement.
dc.format.extent 260-266
dc.relation.ispartof urn:issn:0237-7896
dc.title A szkizofréniával élő páciensek hozzátartozói számára tartott pszichoedukációs és támogató tréning bemutatása
dc.type Journal Article 2023-11-22T07:27:18Z
dc.language.rfc3066 hu
dc.rights.holder NULL
dc.identifier.mtmt 34394021
dc.identifier.pubmed 37982273
dc.contributor.institution Pszichiátriai és Pszichoterápiás Klinika
dc.contributor.institution Magatartástudományi Intézet
dc.contributor.institution Semmelweis Egyetem
dc.contributor.institution Molekuláris Pszichiátria és In Vitro Betegségmodellezési Kutatócsoport
dc.mtmt.swordnote English Abstract; Journal Article

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